Mold Spores

Mold spores tend to form in areas that tend to be humid and damp and they are formed from dead and decaying vegetation and other natural plant materials and soil. Once a mold spore forms they can travel through the air until they find nice wet and warm place to land and begin to form mold. Mold is one of the leading causes of allergies and certain molds can even make some people extremely sick if they are very sensitive. Usually mold spores do not get into people’s houses but they can if you have open windows and somewhere wet for them to begin breeding. Once mold spores are found it is important to remove them immediately to avoid becoming sick and some things will probably even need to be thrown out if they become covered in mold or mildew. A lot of times you might be able to get rid of it fairly easily but sometimes it might be best to hire a mold specialist, especially if the mold keeps coming back.

Indoor mold can also have a really bad effect on people with asthma and it can also cause many other health problems. When mold spores and mildew begin to grow indoors you can usually smell the strange odor it gives off and you can usually see it unless it is hidden behind a couch or in a closet. One thing you can do to help battle against mold and mildew in your home is using a HEPA vacuum cleaner when cleaning your rugs and also make sure you always put dry clothing in your closet, because damp clothing can attract mildew as well. Mold is a natural occurrence though and it is quite common for mold to find a breeding ground in your home, whether it gets on damp clothing or furniture as just mildew or if it starts to get on your bathroom walls due to the humidity. Bleach and water can take care of the walls but many times the furniture and clothing can be totally ruined, unless you catch it immediately. Most of the time you are not going to have to worry about your carpeting and furniture getting soaked, unless you live in a high flood area and if that is the case you want to be sure to have flood insurance.

Mold Allergy

Mold is one of the most common causes of allergy. In fact, mold allergy is prevalent, however without proper testing it may go undiagnosed.    Mold is a fungus that thrives on decomposing organisms.  It breeds by sending spores through the air and relies on moist conditions.  Therefore, any area that is damp, warm, humid, or muggy is a potential breeding ground for mold.  Unfortunately, many of these areas are located in homes and office buildings.  Mold could be growing in your home and you may not realize it.  Many people suffer from a mold allergy, without ever knowing that mold is present in their homes.

Mold can grow in places where it is clearly seen, such as in tub or tile grout or on basement walls, however it can also grow in areas where it cannot be detected.  This can contribute greatly to a mold allergy.  For instance, mold may be present in walls, air conditioning vents and ducts, or even in pillows.  This is why if you suspect that you may be allergic to mold, you should have your home tested.  In addition, you will need to have your health care provider give you a test to make certain that you have a mold allergy.

The symptoms of mold allergy include having a runny nose, sinus headache, sneezing, watery eyes, rashes, sinus pain, pressure, and headaches, difficulty breathing, and constantly coughing.  Since these signs are very similar to the common cold or flu, it is imperative that you have a test performed to determine whether or not you are allergic to mold.

If you are allergic to mold, you will need to take certain steps to remove mold from you home. Some of these steps include removing moisture, preventing more mold from occurring, and removing the mold that is already present.  A great way to remove moisture is to use a dehumidifier.  Make sure to keep the dehumidifier set at or below 40% to prevent mold growth.

Mold Killer

Serious mold problems in the home require that the mold be eliminated entirely. Black mold can cause severe health problems for your family, and can do a great amount of damage to your home. Mold spores that are allowed to dry and become airborne are an irritant to skin, lungs and eyes. Because of this you will want to find an effective mold killer to eradicate the threat.

Mold killers come in a variety of forms. Vinegar is a natural and effective mold killer. Use undiluted white distilled vinegar applied with a spray bottle, applied directly to the affected area. Do not rinse immediately, allow the vinegar to penetrate and do its work for a few days, and then clean the dead mold with soap and water, and dry the area completely. Failure to dry may allow the mold to grow again. 

Another effective mold killer is an ozone-generating machine. You need to shock the area with a very high application of ozone. The ozone concentration levels needed to be an effective mold killer are so high; that it is not safe for humans to be present while the room is being treated. If multiple areas of your home are affected, begin in the basement, and work your way up. Allow the treatment to go for several hours, then return, shut down the machine, ventilate the area, and vacuum up the dead spores using a HEPA vacuum. It is recommended you repeat the process the following day. This method is also effective removing the odor associated with mold.

Another natural, and effective mold killer is hydrogen peroxide. This mold killer works almost immediately by depriving the mold spores of the basics need to grow. As with the other mold killers, apply directly to the area, and allow it to work for several days. Clean the mold spores with soap and water rinse and thoroughly dry the area. Large or stubborn areas may require a second treatment.

Mold Allergies

If you look carefully, you’ll find mold both indoors and out.  This is why mold allergies are a large threat to some people.  All of us are exposed to small amounts of mold each day with no ill consequences. We may breathe the spores that exist in household air or eat foods where mold is just beginning to grow.  Mold is very common and can be found nearly everywhere.

Some people, those with strong mold allergies, are more vulnerable to becoming ill from mold than others. This means that for certain people more susceptible to mold spores just breathing the air around them could spur their mold allergies and they would than begin to feel symptoms of the allergy.  Likewise, eating food could cause mold allergies to flair if it contains mold spores.  Some foods; for example mushrooms and yogurt, are more likely to contain the spores, and those with serious mold allergies should avoid eating these foods. 

Mold allergies have a stronger effect in the warmer months of the year and have many symptoms.  These symptoms have a range and can include headaches, congestion, runny nose, itching watery eyes, wheezing and others.  Mold allergies can be avoided however by taking precautions and preventative action.  In order to avoid them in eating, research foods to discover which foods contain high levels of mold spores and remove these from your diet.

Around your home actively search your home for mold growing, which is usually in bathrooms and near water pipes, and disinfect and remove the mold.  And in the air listen to the mold allergies forecast on the news or web.  If taking the proper precautions to avoid being around excessive amounts of mold, even those with severe mold allergies can greatly dampen the blow dealt by their Mold allergies.

Kill Mold

Mold is a specific organism that is classified as a member of the fungi family.  As a fungus, mold absorbs nutrients from dead and decaying matter.  Mold grows by spreading out branch like threads that are used to absorb decaying matter. However, mold can spread via the air or by attaching itself to another object and spreading.  Though mold can spread and grow anywhere it lands, there is one nutrient that is vital to ensuring that mold thrives, moisture.  Mold must have moisture as well as oxygen to grow, thrive, and spread.  Without moisture, mold will die.  Understanding the situations that are conducive to mold growth is essential if you want to effectively kill mold.

It is very important to kill mold and to prevent it from growing and spreading.   Though mold may serve a purpose in the environment, by helping to decomposed organic material, it poses a serious health benefit to humans as well as animals.  People who live in homes that have mold often experience a number of symptoms ranging from allergies to severe sickness.  Some of the symptoms of mold include rashes, coughing, allergies, fevers, running noses, sneezing, and in some people, the effects are more severe.  For someone with asthma, mold can cause a number of complications that can have serious health consequences.  There is no doubt about it, if mold is present in your house, you must effectively kill mold and prevent its regrowth.

To ensure that you kill mold effectively, you need to remove the moisture.  Finding the source of the moisture and treating it will ensure that the mold does not regrow.  Once you treat the moisture problem, you can kill mold effectively by using household bleach.  Bleach is a very powerful cleaner and will ensure that the mold is removed effectively.  Always use bleach according to the instructions, where gloves when treating mold areas, where a dust mask to prevent breathing in spores, and work in a well ventilated area.

Mold Symptoms

Mold can grow in almost any dark and damp area, whether it is in someone’s basement, dark corners of a home, or even in places like the kitchen where you may not expect it.  It is important then, to be aware of various mold symptoms that can affect your health and well being.  Some people are more sensitive to mold than others, and may experience mold symptoms such as severe allergies.  These symptoms may help to discover mold before it spreads too far.  Persistent itchy and watery eyes and nose, constant sneezing, burning in the throat and/or chest, and difficulty breathing are just a few mold symptoms too look out for if you think you are allergic.  Of course, mold can be worse than just causing an allergic reaction.  Toxic mold can be dangerous, and these mold symptoms are much more severe and a lot more serious.

Some warning signs that dangerous mold may be lurking about include: nose bleeds, feeling dizzy quite often, skin rashes, coughing up blood, and unusual memory loss.  If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it is imperative that someone check for signs of mold.  Of course, there are things you can do to not only kill and remove the mold, but also prevent it from reoccurring.  Education is the best weapon against mold, and the more you know, the more you can share with others who may be experiencing this pesky fungus.  Knowing what environments mold likes to grow in can help prevent it from happening.  Mold symptoms can range from mild to extreme, but no one wants to feel constantly sick in an environment they frequent often, so removal of mold is an absolute must.  Consult a professional if you have any doubts about the location or eradication of mold in your home or office.

Killing Mold

If you’ve ever had a mold infestation in your house, you know just how expensive it can be to hire someone to kill the mold.  That’s because killing mold is very difficult and it often can come back to regrow in the same location.  Leaving mold to fester in your house will only make the situation work and will put you and your family at risk.  Most molds can cause allergy type symptoms however there are also toxic species out there which can cause very serious illness and death if inhaled.

Mold loves to be in a dark and wet area.  When killing mold, the first step should be to eliminate the food source.  Water must be being supplied from somewhere within the house, or through a leak in the roof.  Water pipes are a likely culprit for supplying the necessary water for mold to grow.  Even if there isn’t a leak in the pipes, condensation on the outside of the pipes due to a temperature difference can be the source of the problem.  A condensation problem is probably the easiest water problem to fix and can be repaired by just adding some insulation to the outside of the pipe.

Now that you’ve eliminated the source of water, it’s time to kill the mold and clean it.  Bleach does do a good job of killing mold however it doesn’t remove the dead mold, which can be just as hazardous as live mold.  What you’ll want to use to remove the mold is good old soap and water with a brush.  Keep scrubbing at the wall to remove all of the mold.  You’ll want to wear a mask and keep the area well ventilated to help reduce your exposure to the mold.  Once the mold is removed dry the area very thoroughly and then repaint the wall as the wall is probably discolored from the mold and all of the scrubbing you did to remove the mold.

Mold Health

Does your child have a cold that won’t go away? Did you recently move and your teenager, who never had allergies before, is coughing and sneezing all over the house? Do you feel mysteriously fatigued or have trouble breathing? Your house may contain airborne mold. Toxic mold health problems are not to be trifled with, so if you have any of these symptoms, it’s important to discuss them with your doctor.

If you think that your house might be causing unsafe toxic mold health issues, you might also consider having a professional mold inspection that will reveal the variety of mold that is in your house.  It is important to know that some molds are harmless, even if they have an ugly appearance.  Some of the worst molds are actually pale or pinkish, and they  might not be as noticeable as a dark mold.  A mold inspection can tell you if your mold reactions are from toxic mold health problems, or if the mold variety is a harmless one. Not all mold is trouble, although it is always unsightly.   If your mold turns out to be harmless, you can save expenses on mold remediation, and your doctor will know to examine other causes for your health problems.

Symptoms of toxic mold health problems include rashes, eye irritation, respiratory problems, chronic fatigue, and irritable bowel syndrome.  Since these symptoms may follow from a variety of illnesses, it is crucial to determine if toxic mold health problems are to be blamed or not.  You can conduct a visual inspection of your home yourself.  Check areas where humidity is likely to be present (such as basements and bathrooms) because mold needs humidity to grow.  Be sure to examine these areas for pale molds as well as the more noticeable dark molds.   If mold is determined to be present and a family member seems to be having a strong reaction, or has an immune deficiency problem, it might be a good idea to move that person to a hotel until the mold is removed.

Basement Mold Cleaning

Cleaning your home is something you do on a daily basis.  Each day we make our beds, wipe the bathroom sink clean after brushing and wash up our breakfast dishes.  Once a week we vacuum and do laundry.  We stay on top of the cleanliness of our home.  How often do we perform basement mold cleaning?  You do not need to do this as often as washing dishes but we should do basement mold cleaning at least once a week.

If you have a basement then you should go on monthly basement mold cleaning duty.  Check any areas of the basement where water could accumulate and sit.  Check around the oil tank, the heating unit, the pipes to the bathroom and kitchen and around the windows.  Look for an accumulation of mold spores building up in the crevices.  If you find mold on your basement mold cleaning tour then you should get rid of it as soon as possible.

To perform basement mold removal you should arm yourself with the proper gear.  You should have disinfectant cleanser, a face mask, an air purifier and several disposable rags.  If you think the basement mold cleaning project is too big for you then call in a Mold Remediation Specialist.  At any rate you want to get rid of the mold before it can spread to your valuable stored possessions or to the rest of the house.

If you do a precise basement mold cleaning once a month you should not have any problems. If you have had a flood or standing water in the basement then you will want to run a basement mold cleaning session more often to make sure there are no mold issues.  Start at the bottom of your home and work up consistently keeping a clean mold free front against germ invasions in your home.

Mold Smell

Have you ever walked into a home that instantly has a mold smell?  Well, chances are that that mold smell is coming from wet and moisture rich areas of the home.  Mold thrives in dark, wet places, and can come into a home and start growing without anyone even noticing. 

Mold can a nuisance and can also be harmful to peoples health. Mold can cause people to have respiratory problems like asthma , nose infections, and even cause people to have irritable bowel syndrome.  Mold, and therefore the mold smell, grows when little spores travel into a home and latch on the a moist surface.  While everyone hates that muggy, mold smell, there are some ways to prevent the mold smell, and the mold altogether. 

One way to prevent mold growth is to keep the home dry.  It is important not to let water build up anywhere, even on the floor because mold can grow underneath flooring and then it is extremely time consuming and expensive to redo a floor.  Another way to keep out the mold smell is to use air conditioners and dehumidifiers in the warm months so that water and moisture do not build up within the home.  This creates a dry living space that is definitely not mold smell friendly.  Still another way to prevent mold from growing is to wash shower curtains and tile flooring on a regular basis so that moisture doesn’t build up and cause mold to grow. When mold attached itself to fabrics such as shower curtains or drapes, it becomes extremely hard, if not impossible to get off.  Therefore, shower curtains should be washed with bacteria eliminating cleansers and drapes should be washed in warm water, preferably with a bleach filled cleanser.   With proper precautions, that annoying mold smell can easily be eliminated.