Mold Mildew Remover

Mildew is a black junk that builds up in your shower and around the faucets. Then there is mold which can build up in your basement or in the walls of your house. When you see mildew and mold it is hard to tell the difference. Therefore you should have a method to cleaning them as soon as they appear. Consider some easy steps in order to create your own mold mildew remover.

It may seem like a difficult task to make your own mold mildew remover, but it is actually a simple process that won’t take you that long at all. The first thing you want to do is pour one cup of bleach into a gallon of water and then mix it well. Then take a bowl and pour a small amount of this mixture into it. 

For small areas you should apply the mixture with a toothbrush and for larger areas you should pour the mixture into a spray bottle for application. It is best to spray down the shower walls, doors and curtains. When it comes to a toothbrush an alternative is a large stiff-bristle brush. After cleaning it is important to rinse the area thoroughly.

After a good scrub you should keep the mixture in a spray bottle in order to do a daily cleaning after a shower. Just spray down the walls, doors and curtains and leave it there until you next shower, you don’t have to worry about rinsing. When you are cleaning your bathroom always remember to open all windows and to turn on a fan in the room. This way you can have plenty of fresh air and ventilation to keep the bleach fumes from building up in the room. You don’t want to inhale the fumes coming off the bleach.

Household Mold

There are many different kinds of household mold and these can infest your home very quickly sometimes, usually this is due to excess moisture such as flood damage. When excess moisture is inside your home it can cause mold spores to grow, which then lets mold out into the air you breathe, and this has been linked to many different health issues. Some of these health issues that might arise from household mold are things like respiratory problems, allergies, dry coughing, scratchy throat and watery eyes, and much more. Some individuals may even have stronger reactions to the household mold and it could make them very sick. There are actually certain types of mold that can cause permanent respiratory problems due to the toxic properties found within the mold spores, this is why it is very important to have a professional examine any mold that may develop.

The most common places for household mold to grow in are in areas where there is excess moisture, and the bathroom can be a great breeding ground for mold, especially in the shower in a bathroom where there is sometimes little ventilation. Also if your carpet or furniture were ever to get soaked the chances are pretty high that mold spores will develop before the carpet or furniture could dry and this is why many people will just throw them out and replace them. It may be expensive to replace them if your insurance does not cover it, but it may end costing a lot more in doctor bills if you or other members of your family become exposed to a dangerous household mold. Everyone is going to have a mold problem at some point unless you stay on top of getting rid of it immediately, and the places you want to keep an eye on are damp poorly ventilated areas like the crevices around your tub and possibly many other areas around your tub. Other places could be underneath your sinks or anywhere you may have a leak in the ceiling, and basements are another place where mold likes to grow.

Mold in Home

Many homes, especially older homes are often subject to a mold in house situation. Moisture and dark places allows mold to grow and cause many problems besides the obvious unpleasant look to a moldy wall. Some of the health concerns that can come from mold in home are respiratory problems such as asthma and infections, eye irritations such as burning sensation or red eyes, perpetual coughing, throat and nose irritation, rashes, irritable bowel syndrome, muscle and joint aches, and food intolerance or food allergies. These are some but definitely not all of the problems that can come from mold in home or in the garage.

While many people observe mold in the home, not many people know why it is there. The truth is that there is mold everywhere because it is part of the natural environment. When mold is found outside, it breaks down organic matter like trees and leave, but mold in home is much more dangerous and can cause a variety of annoying problems for people who come in contact with it. Mold usually begins to grow when the tiny spores become in contact with wet surfaces in the home, usually beginning is places such as the garage or the attic.

Mold in homes can be cleaned by preferably by a professional, but could be cleaned by the home owner, so long as they take proper precautions.  The first step of cleaning up mold in house is to clean and remove all of the spots infected with mold.  Then next step is to dry all of the areas where there is mold in home and put all of the infected materials into a bag to through out.  It is important to where a mask when removing mold to prevent inhalation of the mold.  Also, if the molded area seems rather large, for example, if the area of mold in home is larger than a 10 square foot radius, it is important to have a professional remove the mold so that serious home damage does not occur.

Mold in House

Many homeowners face the challenges for protecting their homes against the natural elements such as storms, floods, and fire, but many homeowners forget to take precautions against another organic element that is mold in the house.  The problem of mold in house is that it can often spread rapidly and cause a large amount of damage and cost a large amount of money if not tended to in a timely fashion.  Mold in house can cause quiet a few health problems to the people that live in the homes, and over time, the health concerns can become greater.  Some of the health risks that can be cause by mold in house include, but are not limited to, respiratory problems like asthma and lung infections, runny noses, headaches, memory look, irritable bowel syndrome, and flu like symptoms.  Because of these problems, it is important to check the homes for mold damage quite regularly. 

Mold in house occurs when small, micro sized spores blow into a home through a window or door, and then land in a moisture, wet, and often dark spot.  These conditions are great places for mold to land and it often grows rapidly as soon as the spores com in contact with the wet conditions.

Mold removal is not that difficult if caught early, however it is important to follow the proper health procedures so that the mold growth doe not make the homeowner sick.  It is important to wear a mask over the mouth and to dispose of the molded dry wall or other material that has become contaminated by the mold.  For areas that are over ten square feet, it is a good idea to contact a professional to removal the mold in house so that the homeowners do not cause more damage then necessary to the home. 

Mold in Homes

Mold has always been an allergen, but awareness and questions surrounding mold have grown as more media attention has been given to extensive problems regarding mold in homes. Mold spores can enter your house in a number of ways, including on your clothing and with the movement of air. Many parts of the home contain enough food and adequate temperatures to allow the mold spores to grow. After the mold settles all that it needs is a little moisture to grow.

If mold in homes continues to grow it can lead to respiratory congestion, eye irritation, headaches and fatigue. For some asthma can be triggered by mold in homes. If you find mold in your home you need to find the moisture source, then make the necessary changes to reduce or control the moisture and finally to safely get rid of any mold in your house. There are many ways you can deal with mold in your house and prevent it from growing in the first place.

If you are constantly getting a musty smell in your basement then you may want to run a dehumidifier in order to deal with mold in homes. Mold in bathrooms is typically a bigger problems during the winter when a lot of moisture is placed in the air. Be sure you wipe moisture off the shower walls and tub while drying your used towels elsewhere in order to prevent mold in homes. However, the most important step for bathrooms is to provide ventilation to the exterior in order to get rid of the moisture before it can even build up in the bathroom.

When it comes to removing existing mold you should physically remove as much as possible with a strong detergent. Then rinse and follow with a bleach solution to sanitize the area. If you can’t easily clean off the mold then you should throw away any removable items. If the mold is particularly bad then you should consider hiring a professional to remove the mold for you.

Home Mold

Mold is a naturally occurring element in nature.  It helps aid the breakdown of dead organic matter such as leaves and dead wood.  When this element becomes home mold, however, it can be a source of problems for humans.  Mold cannot survive without moisture, so it’s important for people to realize this when they practice the prevention of home mold.  Since mold travels through the air in microscopic tiny spores that we cannot see, it is almost impossible to know for sure whether or not is has infiltrated your home unless you can see it or smell it.  Otherwise, a home mold test kit should be used.  Mold can be different colors, typically white, black, or green.  For people with allergic sensitivities or asthma, mold can be a real nightmare to deal with, since it helps to trigger these already annoying symptoms.  While most home mold grows in small spaces, sometimes it can spread quickly and over a large area.

If home mold is getting to be out of control, it is best not to try and remove it yourself.  Contact a mold inspection and removal specialist if you see an area of home mold growing ten by ten feet or larger.  If the area is small, usually bleach or detergent with hot water can kill it off within a confined area.  Be sure to wear protective gloves so that the mold does not get on your skin or into cuts.  A mask can’t hurt either, since it can help to prevent you from breathing in the spores.  Any kind of porous material such as carpet that has been infected should be thrown away immediately, since there could be spores growing deep into the material that you cannot detect.  Try not to paint over mold as it can grow or spread through paint.

Mold Growth

Mold growth is a fairly common problem that will probably occur in everyone’s homes at least one time throughout their ownership of the home.  While every house can be faced with mold growth, it often occurs in older homes that are more susceptible to moisture and water, two things that are the leading causes in mold growth. 

Now why is mold growth a problem?  Well,  besides the obvious fact that it is unappealing to the homeowners and definitely a cause for concern for any potential home buyers if the home was to ever be for sale, the mold growth is also very unsafe for people’s health.  Mold growth develops in people’s homes when tiny spores, spores so small that they can not be seen by the human eye, drift into homes and land on wet or moist surfaces.  These surfaces are the perfect breading grounds for mold and it can grow at a very rapid rate. 

Mold growth causes many things, some of which are respiratory problems like asthma and other lung infections, irritated eyes, dry coughs, throat and nose irritations, memory impairment, and irritable bowl syndrome.  Because of these potential health risks, it is important for homeowners to remove mold growth as soon as they can.

Mold growth can be removed by professionals or by the homeowners as long as the homeowners take the proper precautions like wearing a mask while removing the mold and disposing of the mold in the correct manor.  While minor cases of mold growth can usually be removed easily, it is important to contact a professional when dealing with larger modeled areas.

It is a good idea for homeowners to check their home for mold growth areas every few years so that they can catch the mold before it has the chance to spread and become a serious and expensive problem.  By keeping a home clean and rid of moisture and water, people should be able to control and hopefully eliminate mold grow in the future.

House Mold

Owning a home is a wonderful investment and a great responsibility.  Things like a broken air conditioner, a leaky roof, and a new floor are all typically problems that need to be solved from time to time.  When mold takes over a home, however, the problems can be on a much bigger scale.  That’s why it is extremely important to be aware of the signs of mold infestation, so you can get rid of it as quickly as possible.  House mold can cause a lot of damage to wood, flooring, and even walls of your home.  The quicker you can spot it, the faster you can kill and remove it.  At the first sign of house mold, the key is to act quickly.  Mold can start to rot wood at a very rapid pace, which means you would end up having to replace windows and sills, or even worse, foundations or walls.

It is important to note that a lot of house mold can be hidden and go unnoticed for very long periods of time.  Mold has been known to creep in between the wall and wallpaper, in between insulation, and in the floorboards.  The key to preventing mold is to keep moisture levels down.  If you live in a very humid area of the country, a dehumidifier can be a real help.  Also, there are now paints that contain anti mold agents already mixed in. If you find that it’s too late and the presence of house mold is already there, something called biocides can help to kill it off.  Some kinds of regular detergent or bleaches also work to kill off house mold.  When it comes to killing and removing it, however, it is often recommended that you consult a professional so it can be done safely without spreading it further throughout the home.

Mold Problem

For home owners, nothing can raise more issues than finding a mold problem. Whether you are buying or selling a home it is important to check for a mold problem and know how to deal with it properly. It is best for buyers to know what to look for and sellers to know who is responsible for fixing the problem.

Much debate is still being discussed over the health risk posed by mold. There is always mold in the environment and only some people are affected by it. For some with allergies or respiratory problem it only takes a small amount of mold to cause a problem. The symptoms of mold can range from mild stuffiness and headache to severe cases that include fever, shortness of breath and infections of the lungs.

When you are looking for a home you should focus your attention on where water is used or where it can leak into the house. Previous problems with water leaks can be indicated by a musty, damp odor. Common places for mold to grow include bathrooms, the kitchen and the laundry room. Check for water on top of a kitchen or bathroom cabinet, a leaking faucet, signs of the toilet overflowing or sweating and water stains on the ceiling or walls. It is also a good idea to examine the roof, doors, windows, skylights and any carpeting.

It is also important that you ask the right questions when looking for a home. Ask if the house has sat vacant or if it has been used as a rental property. These types of homes may have been neglected. Many renters overlook things like changing the furnace filter or making sure water doesn’t collect in the air conditioner drain pan. Also if people avoid using the air conditioning because of cost can cause humidity to build up in a home.

Mold in Attic

Countless homeowners around the end of the year make the annual visit to the attic to collect the holiday decorations and winter clothes and find spots and blotches covering the bottom of the roof sheathing. Upon further inspection these spots turn out to be none other than mold in atticspaces not only in your home but your neighbors and many others!  So what does energy conservation have to do with mold in atticspaces? Let’s consider how the house behaves as an entire system, and we will find that they are often directly related. 

Mold requires continual moisture to form and to thrive, so sources of moisture must be present.  Could the moisture have possibly come from outdoors? Perhaps the moisture came from indoors? Well, during the heating season, the interior of the house frequently has high moisture levels, especially in the bathroom and kitchen. If an interior check shows that all bathroom fans, kitchen vents, etc. are properly ducted completely outdoors and not into the attic and the amount of insulation is sufficient and the attic is well ventilated then this should not be the problem.  Air leaks are the leading source of energy loss in most houses, and a frequent source of chronic moisture that can cause mold in atticspaces. Most homeowners are well aware of air leaks around windows and doors (especially old ones), but many overlook the numerous gaps leading directly into the attic and therefore the perfect culprit for the growth of mold in atticspaces!

Take a longer look for those Halloween decorations next time and observe all of the holes near light fixtures, windows, in floorboards, and other places in the attic.  These holes are letting warm air from your heating in the main rooms of the house up to condense on the cold walls, floors, etc resulting in mold in attic crevices, floorboards, near fixtures, and other places.  Seal up these holes and not only will you see less mold but perhaps save yourself some green on the winter bills.