Basement Mold

Basement mold is a common occurrence and statistics show that over fifty percent of all homes have excess water, providing the perfect environment for basement mold.  Mold is a fungus that thrives off of certain conditions.  These conditions include excessive moisture, humidity, and decomposing organisms.  Mold will spread through the release of airborne spores and is a specific cause of sickness and allergies.  Since basements are prone to being damp and dark, they are the perfect environments for mold growth.

You can often identify basement mold by seeing it with the visible eye.  You may notice spots of black mold growing on your basement wall.  You may also notice that you have basement mold when you detect a musty odor.  The best way to treat basement mold is through prevention.  The number one way to prevent mold from growing is by removing excess moisture.  Basically, you should invest in ways to keep your basement dry.

One of the best things that you can do to reduce the amount of moisture in your basement is to invest in a dehumidifier.  A dehumidifier will ensure that your basement does not have excessive amounts of moisture in the air as well as on the walls.    By drying out the basement, you can eliminate the growth of mold from the source.  Some other steps that you can take are to have your basement walls waterproofed with a professional sealant.  This will help repel water and keep the basement dry as well.  If you use a washer and dryer in your basement, make sure that the dryer vent is connected properly and that all of the air from your dryer is leaving through the vent.  When you see mold in your basement, remove it with a solution of bleach and water.  Make sure that you open the window and air out the basement as well.

What is Mold

We often hear about mold when referring to things like moldy bread or the term black mold.  So what is mold, and how does it affect human beings in our environment?  Mold is a form of a microscopic fungus that feeds on dead organic matter such as rotting plants, leaves, or even animals.  It thrives in moist and humid climates, and most forms of mold exist in the form of tiny little organisms called spores.  There are thousands of different species of mold, although some are a little more common to humans than others.  It may be surprising to know, but some molds actually have important uses.  So what is mold used for?  Mold can be used to produce certain cheeses, and is also an important part of food production in many countries.  On the other hand, some molds can be very harmful and dangerous when breathed in, consumed, or even touched.

What is mold looking for in order to thrive in an indoor environment?  Mold needs three basic things to grow successfully inside someone’s house.  These three things are moisture, food (for the mold to thrive), and period of time where it can remain undisturbed.  If mold has enough humidity or moisture, it can grow rapidly.  Combine that with organic matter (food), and a decent amount of time being undisturbed, and mold can become a menacing force.  The question what is mold can be answered in many ways, depending on the type of mold.  While most of us don’t really see the positive effects or results of mold, we do know the negative.  Educating yourself about the different kinds of mold and what it needs to survive, as well as how to avoid letting it grow in your home is the best way you can be protected against its harmful effects.

Types of Mold

Mold is a fungus that can cause serious health consequences in many people.  However, not all molds are harmful, and some are more harmful than others.  What makes mold even more of a threat, is the fact that some people may respond negatively to one type of mold, while that same mold may not affect another person.  Therefore, it is important to identify the different types of mold and know which ones are more serious or harmful.

Just as not all molds are toxic, not all molds are allergic either.  Again, it is a good idea to know the different types of mold to determine if there are any present in your home that may cause allergies for you and your family.  The most common types of mold present in homes that cause allergies are, Aspergilus, Penicillium, Mucor, Fusarium, Chaetomium, Stachybotrys, Cladosporium, and Alternaria.

When it comes to determining toxic types of mold, one stands apart from the rest that is Stachybotrys.  Stachybotrys is also referred to as black mold.  This mold is extremely dangerous and has caused fatal lung bleeding in many infants.  Where as some of the other types of mold may attribute to allergies, Stachybotrys is more serious and can be fatal.  It is very important that if you detect mold in your home or business, that you have the mold tested to determine what type it is.

Since mold requires the presence of moisture to thrive, toxic or black mold is often found in the same locations as other types of mold.  Therefore, any place in your home or business that is conductive for mold growth is a place where toxic mold may grow.  It is important that if you have any mold growing in your home or business that you have it tested, cleaned, and removed immediately.  After the mold has been cleaned, you will then need to take steps to ensure that the mold does not return.

Symtpoms of Mold

Mold is a type of microscopic organisms living on plant and animal matter and break down dead and decaying matter recycling environmental nutrients.  Molds are prevalent just about everywhere and reproduce by releasing spores to the air, water, and with animals and insects.  Favorable mold conditions are high humidity, condensation, and organic materials such as paper, fibers, wood, etc.  Molds are certainly a concern for homeowners because the spores are carried so easily by air and in water.  Homeowners should inspect their homes for symptoms of mold growth due to flooding, leaky piping or roofing, damp basements, and steam in bathrooms and kitchens.  Symptoms of mold growth are also prevalent in places with poor ventilation ad insulation around clothes dryers and combustion appliances.

Mold can make people sick, especially children, the elderly, and those with respiratory and continual and preexisting health problems.  Mold most commonly affects the body by triggering responses to allergens due to inhaling mold spores.  These triggers are most commonly felt in the manner of hay fever, asthma, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and lungs.  Even less commonly, mold can very seriously detriment a person’s health with exposure leading to infections and toxicity, especially in those with weak immune systems or autoimmune diseases such as HIV/AIDS. 

The symptoms of mold exposure are nasal and sinus congestion, eye irritation and respiratory problems, cough, throat and skin irritation, and headache.  Anyone experiencing symptoms of mold exposure should see a doctor if irritation and symptoms persist and find the source of the mold and clean it thoroughly and immediately.  Cleaning the mold can be tricky so the first step in removal is to control the moisture problem that is allowing the mold to thrive in the area.  Porous or materials that cannot be dried should be thrown away and the area cleaned with a 10% bleach solution to kill the mold.

Mold Detection

Mold is a type of fungus which lives by breaking down dead material and returning nutrients to  its environment. Mold digests plant and animal material to grow, feeding off of dirt, bark, wood, paper,  or leaves. It spreads itself by releasing floating spores that drift through the air. Mold favors damp, dark locales and is fond of garbage, piles of rotting leaves or other yard waste, and humid basements.

 On food, mold often is visible on the food’s surface, such as the fuzzy green spots that appear on bread. However, mold has tiny roots and “fingers” that allow it to spread. As it grows, the mold’s roots can penetrate deep inside the food, where it cannot be seen.  For these reasons, mold detection can sometimes be difficult.  Usually, mold detection is signaled by the smell of it.  It carries in the air a pungent smell that most people associate with older homes, or wet basements. Because it prefers dark cramped quarters, mold detection is something that might have to be actively approached in order to find the source.

These days, as with anything else, mold detection has evolved.   Where as before mold detection was simply walking around with a flashlight searching, it is now part of a high tech science and business, in order to assure and guarantee that all mold has been detected, and appropriately handled.  The new breakthrough in mold detection is actually canine power.  Dogs, with a better sense of smell than humans, are naturally equipped to assist in mold detection.  Now, businesses specialize in training dogs for the purpose of mold detection, allowing the home owner to hire the business to find his or her mold problem, and eliminate it.  With these naturally advancements the operation of mold detection is now a much easier one, with better results, making the clean up effort easier as well.

Mold in House

Many homeowners face the challenges for protecting their homes against the natural elements such as storms, floods, and fire, but many homeowners forget to take precautions against another organic element that is mold in the house.  The problem of mold in house is that it can often spread rapidly and cause a large amount of damage and cost a large amount of money if not tended to in a timely fashion.  Mold in house can cause quiet a few health problems to the people that live in the homes, and over time, the health concerns can become greater.  Some of the health risks that can be cause by mold in house include, but are not limited to, respiratory problems like asthma and lung infections, runny noses, headaches, memory look, irritable bowel syndrome, and flu like symptoms.  Because of these problems, it is important to check the homes for mold damage quite regularly. 

Mold in house occurs when small, micro sized spores blow into a home through a window or door, and then land in a moisture, wet, and often dark spot.  These conditions are great places for mold to land and it often grows rapidly as soon as the spores com in contact with the wet conditions.

Mold removal is not that difficult if caught early, however it is important to follow the proper health procedures so that the mold growth doe not make the homeowner sick.  It is important to wear a mask over the mouth and to dispose of the molded dry wall or other material that has become contaminated by the mold.  For areas that are over ten square feet, it is a good idea to contact a professional to removal the mold in house so that the homeowners do not cause more damage then necessary to the home. 

Mold in Homes

Mold has always been an allergen, but awareness and questions surrounding mold have grown as more media attention has been given to extensive problems regarding mold in homes. Mold spores can enter your house in a number of ways, including on your clothing and with the movement of air. Many parts of the home contain enough food and adequate temperatures to allow the mold spores to grow. After the mold settles all that it needs is a little moisture to grow.

If mold in homes continues to grow it can lead to respiratory congestion, eye irritation, headaches and fatigue. For some asthma can be triggered by mold in homes. If you find mold in your home you need to find the moisture source, then make the necessary changes to reduce or control the moisture and finally to safely get rid of any mold in your house. There are many ways you can deal with mold in your house and prevent it from growing in the first place.

If you are constantly getting a musty smell in your basement then you may want to run a dehumidifier in order to deal with mold in homes. Mold in bathrooms is typically a bigger problems during the winter when a lot of moisture is placed in the air. Be sure you wipe moisture off the shower walls and tub while drying your used towels elsewhere in order to prevent mold in homes. However, the most important step for bathrooms is to provide ventilation to the exterior in order to get rid of the moisture before it can even build up in the bathroom.

When it comes to removing existing mold you should physically remove as much as possible with a strong detergent. Then rinse and follow with a bleach solution to sanitize the area. If you can’t easily clean off the mold then you should throw away any removable items. If the mold is particularly bad then you should consider hiring a professional to remove the mold for you.

Home Mold

Mold is a naturally occurring element in nature.  It helps aid the breakdown of dead organic matter such as leaves and dead wood.  When this element becomes home mold, however, it can be a source of problems for humans.  Mold cannot survive without moisture, so it’s important for people to realize this when they practice the prevention of home mold.  Since mold travels through the air in microscopic tiny spores that we cannot see, it is almost impossible to know for sure whether or not is has infiltrated your home unless you can see it or smell it.  Otherwise, a home mold test kit should be used.  Mold can be different colors, typically white, black, or green.  For people with allergic sensitivities or asthma, mold can be a real nightmare to deal with, since it helps to trigger these already annoying symptoms.  While most home mold grows in small spaces, sometimes it can spread quickly and over a large area.

If home mold is getting to be out of control, it is best not to try and remove it yourself.  Contact a mold inspection and removal specialist if you see an area of home mold growing ten by ten feet or larger.  If the area is small, usually bleach or detergent with hot water can kill it off within a confined area.  Be sure to wear protective gloves so that the mold does not get on your skin or into cuts.  A mask can’t hurt either, since it can help to prevent you from breathing in the spores.  Any kind of porous material such as carpet that has been infected should be thrown away immediately, since there could be spores growing deep into the material that you cannot detect.  Try not to paint over mold as it can grow or spread through paint.

Mold Growth

Mold growth is a fairly common problem that will probably occur in everyone’s homes at least one time throughout their ownership of the home.  While every house can be faced with mold growth, it often occurs in older homes that are more susceptible to moisture and water, two things that are the leading causes in mold growth. 

Now why is mold growth a problem?  Well,  besides the obvious fact that it is unappealing to the homeowners and definitely a cause for concern for any potential home buyers if the home was to ever be for sale, the mold growth is also very unsafe for people’s health.  Mold growth develops in people’s homes when tiny spores, spores so small that they can not be seen by the human eye, drift into homes and land on wet or moist surfaces.  These surfaces are the perfect breading grounds for mold and it can grow at a very rapid rate. 

Mold growth causes many things, some of which are respiratory problems like asthma and other lung infections, irritated eyes, dry coughs, throat and nose irritations, memory impairment, and irritable bowl syndrome.  Because of these potential health risks, it is important for homeowners to remove mold growth as soon as they can.

Mold growth can be removed by professionals or by the homeowners as long as the homeowners take the proper precautions like wearing a mask while removing the mold and disposing of the mold in the correct manor.  While minor cases of mold growth can usually be removed easily, it is important to contact a professional when dealing with larger modeled areas.

It is a good idea for homeowners to check their home for mold growth areas every few years so that they can catch the mold before it has the chance to spread and become a serious and expensive problem.  By keeping a home clean and rid of moisture and water, people should be able to control and hopefully eliminate mold grow in the future.

House Mold

Owning a home is a wonderful investment and a great responsibility.  Things like a broken air conditioner, a leaky roof, and a new floor are all typically problems that need to be solved from time to time.  When mold takes over a home, however, the problems can be on a much bigger scale.  That’s why it is extremely important to be aware of the signs of mold infestation, so you can get rid of it as quickly as possible.  House mold can cause a lot of damage to wood, flooring, and even walls of your home.  The quicker you can spot it, the faster you can kill and remove it.  At the first sign of house mold, the key is to act quickly.  Mold can start to rot wood at a very rapid pace, which means you would end up having to replace windows and sills, or even worse, foundations or walls.

It is important to note that a lot of house mold can be hidden and go unnoticed for very long periods of time.  Mold has been known to creep in between the wall and wallpaper, in between insulation, and in the floorboards.  The key to preventing mold is to keep moisture levels down.  If you live in a very humid area of the country, a dehumidifier can be a real help.  Also, there are now paints that contain anti mold agents already mixed in. If you find that it’s too late and the presence of house mold is already there, something called biocides can help to kill it off.  Some kinds of regular detergent or bleaches also work to kill off house mold.  When it comes to killing and removing it, however, it is often recommended that you consult a professional so it can be done safely without spreading it further throughout the home.