Mold can be a very serious health risk to people, especially those sensitive to allergies. Mold can grow on just about any natural surface that is allowed to get wet, and is exposed to oxygen. These surfaces include wood, carpet, or insulating products. If these are allowed to get damp, and are left unaddressed then mold can grow. Once mold starts it is important to begin a mold abatement program.
The first thing you need to do is stop the source of the moisture. If you see or suspect that water is present, find the source and eliminate it. You then must dry the area as soon as possible. Modern buildings that are tightly sealed, but don’t have sufficient ventilation, may allow moisture to accumulate, especially behind drywall. If you have a leaky roof, a damaged gutter, leaky plumbing fixture, or cracked foundation this could lead to the growth of mold. A dehumidifier in your basement could be an easy mold abatement solution.
There are a variety of mold abatement methods you can undertake to rid yourself of this risk. In some cases the material such as dry wall or carpet may just need to be replaced. The mold-damaged materials should be double bagged and sealed with contractor grade plastic bags, and discarded with construction waste. Always use protective clothing, including respirators, gloves and eye protection when doing mold abatement work. HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) vacuums should be used when cleaning up salvageable areas. If mold spores are allowed to become to escape into the air, then the risk of respiratory exposure increases.
In many cases the use of a professional mold abatement crew should be used. The risk to health, and difficulty of the work may dictate bringing in a company specializing in diagnosing the risk, and removing the mold.
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