Michigan Building Code

Any building contractor in the state of Michigan is required to obtain a building permit when undertaking a major structural alteration of a building, or starting a new construction. The building permit states the contractor or builder will follow the Michigan building code. In most instances normal maintenance does not require a building permit. Work that is not considered normal maintenance includes the removal of a wall, or any portion, the cutting or removal of a support beam, or the removal or change of any required means of exit.

The purpose of the Michigan building code is to insure the safety of the public concerning the construction of, or alteration of any building. Separately building permits for plumbing, mechanical and electrical work are also required when appropriate. These usually include the addition or replacement of plumbing, electrical or mechanical fixtures such as a new sewer pipe, electrical service, or heating/air conditioning unit. It is a violation of Michigan building code to undertake any major structural modification without a building permit.

The applicant of a building permit must submit in writing, detailed plans outlaying the specifications of the work to be done. This includes location of property lines, exact proportions of the project, and the kinds of materials to be used.  In most instances the local government issues the permits, and is also responsible for the inspection of the work upon completion.  The building inspector makes sure that the contractor followed the Michigan building code regarding the building materials, quality of work, deviation from plans, or any other circumstance that may result in a hazardous condition.

In essence the purpose of a building permit insures that a building inspector inspects any major work to a building. The building inspector insures that the work is up to the Michigan building code insuring the safety of the public.

Minnesota Building Code

There are certain aspects to the Minnesota building code pertaining to modular wheelchair ramps that need to be studied including those of building permits which allows for exemptions under section 301(b) 7 of the Uniform Building Code for platforms and walks as well as driveways that do not exceed thirty inches above grades that are not covered by building permit requirements.

Land Use/Zoning Permits

There is also special local government regulation with respect to land use/zoning permits which may place restrictions on distance to property lines as well as on maximum area and even height and more. However, the specific requirements can vary between jurisdictions which mean that it is up to the local governments how they interpret the Minnesota building code.

Another facet to the Minnesota building code deals with guardrails and according to UBC 1711 open as well as glazed sides of stairways, ramps and landings that rise to more than thirty inches over grade must have guardrails that will act as protection. In case of guardrails near to a ramp or landing that serves a single-family dwelling, it must be at least thirty-six inches high or more and there must also is intermediates that will prevent spheres of six inches in diameter from passing through.

However, another change to the Minnesota State Building Code that came into affect from March twenty-fifth in the year 1995 was that the intermediates should be installed in order to not let any sphere of four inches to pass through.

As far as the code pertaining to ramps is concerned, when ramps are meant to be used to allow people to leave the building, their construction must conform to UBC 3307. Other aspects that are also dealt with in the Minnesota building code include weather exposure, and footings as well as miscellaneous matters.

New York Building Code

In a state as diverse as New York, it’s easy to understand the need for building standards that vary according to the needs of a given area.

The New York building codes must meet the needs of one of the largest cities in the world as well as many small towns in rather remote locations.  Elevations in the state range from sea level to almost a mile high, too, generating the need to adopt building standards that address the issue of altitude.

Perhaps some of the more rigid New York building codes address the needs of New York City itself.  The city is by far the most densely populated area of the state and all building projects must be undertaken with the safety and needs of such a tightly packed population in mind.

New York building codes for the city must take into consideration existing structures that may be several hundred years old as well as the new construction currently underway.  The city represents five counties so standards must be unified across those county jurisdictions.

New York City and Chicago are the only two major cities in the country that maintain their own buiding code models, although New York City is in the process of adapting its own codes to meet the International Building Code standards.

Because the state is one of the thirteen original US colonies, historical preservation is an important issue with New York building codes, especially in historically significant areas.

Building needs in the Catskill and Adirondack Mountain ranges poses specific needs on the New York building code books, too.  In these often sparsely populated areas, fire protection features are critical as are all building issues dealing with environmental issues.

The waterways of the St. Lawrence Seaway and Lakes Ontario and Erie present their own unique needs and protections of the New York building code.  These coastal areas, along with the area surrounding the Finger Lakes, require building standards that meet the needs of sensitive aquatic plant and animal life in these areas.

The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway also mark the international boundary between the United States and Canada.  All building projects along the boundary must meet the New York building code while not infringing on the safety of Canadian resources.

The diversity of the state makes New York one of the most interesting areas of the United States.  No doubt, the construction industry must also be interesting and diverse to meet the needs of its people.

New York State Building Code

Many states have building codes which specify the minimum requirements of safety a building must conform to before being used.  The main purpose of a building code is to protect the public from potential risks to the occupants of the building.  Aside from the codes pertaining directly to the building, building codes are also created to regulate things such as pools, sidewalks and porches.

Building codes can cover a wide range of building features.  Almost all building codes have structural and fire safety rules, however things such as energy conservation and air quality codes are fairly recent additions to many state’s building codes.  Usually things such as the aesthetics of a building are not included in a building code however some cities may have laws regarding the aesthetics of the building to ensure that the building will fit in with the rest of the city.

The 2006 New York State Building Code had 34 chapters covering everything from determining the maximum occupancy to the use of glass in a building.  The New York State Building Code also had 13 appendices covering topics such as protection against rodents.  A list of all the buildings codes is available for free; however it is a long and boring read so you may find it easiest to talk to an expert home inspector or a builder who is probably much more familiar with the New York building codes.

When it comes to building codes, usually there is a fairly basic set of building codes created at the state level, like the New York State building codes.  From there cities and towns have the option to add to the building codes and tailor them to the local area.  For example, the installation of sidewalks is an important aspect of city building codes, however in suburban areas sidewalks are only required in the main streets.

North Carolina Building Code

The North Carolina building code is in place so that home owners, contractors and architects follow a minimum standard of safety for the construction of, or modification of buildings. The International build code is used as a model throughout the United States with each state government adding amendments. The local government enforces the building code through the issuing of building permits, and subsequent inspections required for occupancy.

North Carolina has been ahead of the curve when it comes to regulating the construction of buildings for the protection of the public. The first laws enacted in 1903 and then 1905 regulated the materials and the methods used in construction. In 1933 a Building Code Council was established in cooperation with the office of insurance to write the initial North Carolina Building code. It was first adopted in 1935, and passed by the North Carolina Assembly in 1941. In 1957 the state legislature rewrote the 1933 law, and expanded the the responsibility of the building code council.

The North Carolina Building Code is a baseline for building regulations. A local government can adopt any building regulation that is tougher than the state code, but it cannot be more lenient. The local government must get the approval of the North Carolina Building Code Council for any changes or amendments to its local building code. The present day North Carolina building code is based on the 2003 International building code, with amendments added by the North Carolina Building Code Council.

The North Carolina Building Code was put in place with an eye toward protecting the public from any dangerous or unsanitary conditions in design and construction. They are minimum standards for contractors, engineers, architects and enforcement officials to follow. The North Carolina Building Code Council can amend the code whenever new materials and methods are developed.

NC Building Code

Building codes are specific laws to tell builders what the minimum requirements are when constructing a building.  The laws are made for safety reasons and to protect the general public.  Most of the various building codes are designed to be followed by architects and engineers who are actually designing buildings however they are also building codes that apply to contractors, manufacturers and insurance companies.

Almost all building codes are designed at the state and local levels and they all vary, however all are fairly similar.  For example the NY building codes might require that electrical outlets be spaced no more that 10 feet apart while NC building codes may require that they be placed no more than 12 feet apart.  While many of the differences may seem trivial, it is important for the states to have separate building codes to take account for things such as the regional environmental conditions.

For example, the NC building codes are different than the Alaskan building codes because North Carolina has a temperate environment while Alaska has frigid conditions that put different strains on buildings.  NC building codes take into consideration tropical storms and hurricanes which might come out of the Atlantic Ocean.  North Carolina building codes might also take into account such things as local insects which may be a hazard to certain types of building materials.

Some states may also decide to be more progressive with their building codes than other states.  For example, the NC building code may not be as friendly to the environment as the California building code, a state well known for placing environmental concerns at the forefront.  States must decide for themselves how to strike a balance with deciding how much to require of the builders.  By requiring builders to do more they drive up the price of construction which can put a strain on the economy statewide.

Ohio Building Code

Like all other US states, Ohio has enacted laws requiring building construction projects that occur within its state boundaries to meet or exceed the standards established by the legislature.  The Ohio building code is based on the Internatinal Building Code (IBC) model that is fairly standard across the nation.

The Ohio building code addresses the design, materials, safety, and building practices that work interactively for the construction industry in the state.  These codes are vital information for everyone working in the building construction industry as well as for those working in complementary industries, such as real estate, housing, and tenancy.

Standards for mechanical systems are defined in the Ohio building code books.  The standards detail the acceptable materials and design requirements that must be met for systems such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC); plumbing, water, wastewater, and sewage; as well as fire prevention and protection.

As is standard across most of the country, Ohio building code books address safety standards pertaining to traffic flow within a particular building.  Elevator and escalator systems must meet or exceed state requirements and all stairways and stairwells must do the same.

There are different Ohio building code regulations for residential and commercial construction projects.  Each type of building code is designed with the specific needs of the particular building construction industry in mind.

The needs of the environment as well as of the people are considered in the Ohio building code books.  Since the state orders the Great Lakes region, the environment of this ecologically sensitive part of the country is a key factor in establishing building codes along the lake shores.

Ohio building code standards must also consider the proximity of the state to Canada.  Building standards along the international border are designed so there is minimal impact to Canada.

Oregon Building Code

Any contractor that is planning to do a construction project in Oregon should be familiar with the statewide Oregon building code, as well as any local codes that may apply to the project. These rules dictate the safety, usability, and aesthetic standards that every building, residential, commercial, or industrial, must live up to in order to be approved for construction and completion. The list of rules that every project must adhere to is vast, and it will take careful planning to ensure that the building will fit the code requirements.

Every part of a building is governed by the Oregon building code, with special attention paid to the placement of the project, the design and style of the structure, and the heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical systems. As construction progresses, at many stages during the project, it will be necessary to have an official building inspector examine the various parts of the structure. He or she will determine if all applicable rules have been followed, and order changes if necessary.

When an inspection reveals that the building has not conformed to the Oregon building code, the resulting delays can be expensive to the contractor. Mistakes will have to be repaired, and anytime a job is done over, money is wasted. In addition, until the issue is fixed, other parts of the project that rely on the completion of that section will be delayed, as well. Finally, the most expensive part of non-compliance with the Oregon building code can be the fines that the inspector has the ability to level, if the contractor does not proceed correctly.

Fortunately, there are many resources available that can help educate a contractor about what parts of the Oregon building code apply to his or her project. If the job is done correctly, from beginning to end, it will ultimately result in a higher profit for all of the people involved.

Texas Building Code

For those that are expecting to do some building in Texas in the near future, it may be a good idea to review relevant sections of the Texas building code, even if you are already familiar with it from past building projects. In recent years there have been a few changes to the Texas building code, particularly in the realm of energy conservation related building standards and codes.

In September of 2005, for example, new codes concerning building design and energy and water conservation came into effect. These new codes affect not only new construction, but also are to be applied in relevant renovations. Energy conservation has become a matter of increasing importance, and in many parts of the nation, local building codes are changing to help promote energy efficiency in an effort to conserve resources.

Texas building codes are based on a broad range of resources and studies, and local codes often take into consideration the particularities of the region. Some areas, for example, are more prone to serious windstorms, and the local building codes will contain differences from the standard Texas building code to accommodate the special building needs of the area necessary to ensure that buildings are as safe as possible and able to withstand local conditions.

Most state and local agencies responsible for setting and maintaining building standards and codes offer information online. That makes it much easier to track changes to the Texas building code, but it is always a good idea to follow up on the information obtained online to make sure that it is accurate and has not been recently changed.

The Texas building code helps to make sure that homes in Texas are as safe as possible, as well as efficiently designed. Even if you have built or renovated in Texas before, it is a good idea to review the Texas building code as it applies to your project and your region, as there have been several changes made during the past dew years.

Florida Building Code

The geography of every state provides a uinique set of circumstances and challenges for the building industry operating within its borders.  For this reason, most states have adopted building codes that are specific to the needs of their terrain.

For example, the Florida building code requires most new buildings to be built in such a way that they can withstand the forces of the frequent hurricanes the state is subjected to.  Builders in Wyoming rarely have need to even think about hurricanes.

To provide safety in times of hurricane, Florida building code requirements identify specific materials that allow for flexibility in strong winds where other materials might break or shatter.

There are hurricane-specific building techniques required of the Florida building code guidelines, too.  In order to get a building permit, contractors must be fully trained, certified, and, where appropriate, licensed to perform these very exacting techniques.

Hurricanes are not the only issues addressed by Florida building code books, though.

The Sunshine State is home of miles and miles of picture-perfect sandy beaches that are great for building sand castles but a little more care and forethought must be taken when building permanent structures, such as homes, on these ever-shifting sands.

For cities and towns along the coastlines of the state, Florida building code books address the sandy issue and require buildings to be constructed in a safe way.  These homes and other buildings must also be constructed in a manner that doesn’t damage the fragile ecology of the area, either.

Another area unique to the state that calls for specific construction consideration is the area in and surrounding the Everglades National Park.  This massive expanse of marshland is home to many endangered species of plants and animals that must be protected against pollution and habitat infringement.

All contractors licensed to operate in the state must be licensed to do so, as sanctioned by the Florida building code regulations.  Some of these contractors may operate all the way from the panhandle to the keys while others may specialize in the unique needs of one particular environment.

Either way, it is wise to check with the agency responsible for implementing Florida building codes and standards before hiring, just to make sure you are investing in a legitimate, responsible, builder.