The provisions of the Georgia building codeapply to the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, maintenance, removal and demolition of every building or structure. Amendments to the 2007 Georgia building code included a definition for an elevator door protecting device which is device that either independently or in conjunction with the elevator door assembly allows the device to meet the prescribed Georgia building coderequirements. The amendments also clarify the regulations for the storage and handling of propane, butane, propylene, and butylenes by liquefied petroleum gas-distribution facilities and revised the mixed use and occupancy guidelines for separation. Elevator shaft enclosures, dumbwaiters, and other hoistaways are required to be built under current fire code regulations and that elevator lobbies opening onto floors are required to be provided with fire-rated exit access corridors and elevator lobbies in high-rise buildings shall be provided with an elevator lobby at each floor with some noted exceptions.
The Georgia building code had also revised the automatic fire sprinkler system codes setting exceptions for Group R occupancies. The chapter on accessibility was deleted without substitution and a new chapter on exterior walls and installation of wall coverings was added. The roof assembly chapter was revised to read that metal roof fasteners must be secured to supports as prescribed by the approved manufacturer’s fasteners or by the approved substitutions in lieu of a manufacturer recommendation.
The Georgia building code also made revisions to the special inspections chapter putting responsibility on the owner or constructor of the building to employ special inspectors as needed to comply with building codes and a new table for minimum qualifications of special inspectors has been added. inspections are not required for buildings unless the design involves the practice of professional engineering or architecture as defined by applicable state statutes and regulations within the Georgia building code.
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