Radon Test Kit

Radon has been detected in every state across the nation and it causes thousands of deaths every year, and it is also a major cause of lung cancer. You can buy a radon test kit to test your home for this deadly gas and if you do detect a large amount of radon you need to contact a professional to take care of the radon problem before it causes you and your family to become sick. Using an at home radon test kit is much easier than you think it would be and the directions can help if you have any problems, and it will also tell you what an abnormal radon reading would be. Radon is quite common because it comes from the ground and is caused by decomposing uranium which is found in almost all soil, so testing the soil around your house for radon gas is a very important place to use your radon test kit. Another place that you may get a strong radon reading is in the basement since that is underground in most cases.

Another source of radon around the home could be from your water if you use well water, so this is another place you will want to use your radon test kit on to make sure that your water is not contaminated by the deadly radon gas. A single use radon test kit will fit your needs if you only check every so often but if you have had a lot of radon problems in your home or neighborhood then you may want to consider a radon testing kit that monitors for radon 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This can save you the hassle of going around and testing different areas of your house and the best places to have these permanent radon monitoring kits is in places like your basement and your garage.

Radon Test Kits

Radon is a dangerous radioactive gas that can accumulate in many homes, seeping in through the foundation from the soil and rock below. This gas occurs naturally from the breakdown of uranium in the soil, and is the second most frequent cause of lung cancer. If your home has not had a radon level evaluation, or you have made repairs to your basement or foundation since the last testing was done, your health could be at risk from radon gas exposure. Radon test kits are easily available to evaluate your home, making it simple to ensure that the air you breathe is free of this health hazard.

Homeowners should not assume that their home is radon free because they are healthy and the air in the house smells fresh and clean. Contamination from radon gas is not a problem that is easily noticed. Radon gas has no odor, and is invisible to the naked eye, and health effects from radon exposure can take many years to develop. The only way the average homeowner can be assured that their home is free of hazardous radon gas levels is by using one of the variety of EPA approved radon test kits available on the market.

While there are some areas that seem to carry more risk than others for widespread radon contamination, some homes have been found to have dangerous levels nearly everywhere. In many cases, vastly different levels of radon are measured in homes that are in the same neighborhood, so homeowners should not forgo measuring with radon test kits because the house next door had a negative test result.

Radon test kits are reasonably inexpensive and easy to use, making it quite simple for even the least handy homeowner to get an accurate reading of radon levels inside the home. Insuring that your family’s health and well being is not affected by breathing this hazardous substance is well worth your time and effort.

Radon Reduction

A naturally occurring gas that often leaches into homes through the foundation, Radon is produced by the breakdown of uranium in the soil. Odorless and colorless, radon is quite dangerous to humans at high concentrations, the second leading cause of lung cancer. Testing for radon in the home is important for the health of your family, and reasonably easy to do with a simple home radon testing kit. Should testing reveal an unacceptable level of radon in your home, a variety of radon reduction techniques can be used to correct the problem.

Radon reduction methods fall into two basic categories, one that prevents the seepage of radon into the home and another that reduces the radon level once the gas has entered. Radon reduction systems that prevent the gas from entering are the type most often recommended by the EPA

One example of a radon reduction technique that prevents radon from leeching into the home is soil suction. This method draws the radon gas from below the home and vents it into the air above the house through a venting pipe. There are four types of soil suction, depending upon the style of foundation that is present in the home. These are subslab suction, drain tile suction, sump hole suction, and block wall suction.

Any of these four types of systems can be either active or passive. Active soil suction uses a fan, connected to the venting pipes, to draw radon from beneath the house and through the system to dissipate safely into the air. Passive soil suction relies upon air currents to draw radon through the system. Active soil suction is the most commonly used of the two, as it is more effective and reliable for radon reduction.

Perhaps the most important factor in effective radon reduction is the choosing of a good contractor to handle the job. Your contractor should be state certified in radon mitigation, ensuring the technical skills and knowledge necessary to install a safe and effective radon reduction system. Be sure to get several estimates for comparison and ask for and check references. Once you have secured your qualified contractor and the work is underway, you can look forward to breathing easier in your home, free of the worry of radon gas contamination.

Radon Inspectors

The problem with Radon lies when a building with poor ventilation traps this natural gas.  The gas then builds up and forms carcinogens that can cause lung problems up to and including lung cancer.  The good news is that you can track the amount of Radon in your home with the use of Radon inspectors.

There are several different types of Radon inspectors that can be used in the home.  There are radon inspector kits that you can use for a few days or for a year to monitor the Radon levels in your home.  Many of the Radon inspectors are of the do it yourself type, but there is always the option of calling in a professional Radon inspector as well if you wish. 

When you are using the Radon inspector kits you want to place the inspector either in the basement or the lowest level of living space.  Ideally you want the results of your Radon inspector to be lower than 4 pc/l.  If you have a Radon inspector with a reading from 4pc/l to 10pc/l you may want to repeat the test just to make sure that environmental factors did not affect Radon levels.

If you have a poor reading from the Radon inspector tests you have run then you should call in a professional to increase the ventilation in your home and reduce the levels of Radon.  You want to make sure that your house is not the cause of lung disease and sickness for your family.
Running a Radon inspector test once a year will help keep everyone in your home healthier.

Radon is found naturally in the world, particularly in hot springs or areas where there are granite deposits in the earth.  Radon is continually evaporating in the air all over the world.

Radon Detector

Radon is an invisible radioactive gas that is lethal.  However, what makes radon extremely dangerous is the fact that it is invisible.  You can’t see, smell, or even taste radon gas.  Without using a radon detector, you have no idea that it is present in your home. Radon is so dangerous that the Environmental Protection Agency has stated that radon is responsible for thousands of death each year.   Radon is the second highest factor that contributes to lung cancer this makes it a carcinogenic, or cancer causing agent.  As a natural gas, radon is found in outside soil, however when it is present in the home, people will continuously breathe in the dangerous gas without even realizing it.  The only way to find out if radon is in your home is to use a radon detector.

Using a radon detector kit is simple.  You can purchase them inexpensively and use them by following the instructions that are included with the kit.  Once you perform the test, you then send in the results back to the manufacturer and they will perform the analysis.
Testing for radon is one of the smartest things that a person can do to ensure that their home is safe for themselves and their children.

A radon detector kit can be used anywhere, not only in a home but in a place of business as well.  Testing for radon should be performed at least yearly.  If the radon detector analysis comes back positive, you will be able to easily remove the radon from your home.  Using a radon kit is very simple and it is the only way to determine if radon is present in your home or business.  No matter where you live, you should always check for radon in your home, since radon is abundant in all states.  Radon is dangerous and lethal, however it is preventable, as long as you detect it early.

Radon Detection

One of the several silent killers that can be lurking within a home is radon gas, and it is advisable that every residence be tested periodically with proper radon detection equipment, to ensure that it is safe. Older homes are especially vulnerable to the problem, because radon enters the house through basement walls and floors that are no longer properly sealed. When concentrations of the radioactive gas reach dangerous levels, anyone who is exposed to it has a higher chance of developing lung cancer.

Fortunately, there are a variety of radon detection systems available to the homeowner today. In order to determine whether or not there is a radon in the home, there are several short-term tests on the market, which are relatively inexpensive. These tests will alert a person to the presence of the gas, and give an initial estimate of how much is present in the home.

Because the amount of radon gas will vary over a span of time, the next step in the radon detection process would be to purchase one of the long-term tests. These devices will remain in a home over a period of thirty to ninety days, and when the time has lapsed, a more accurate estimate of the radon level will be achieved. If the concentration within the building is abnormally high, it will then be time to hire a professional to remedy the problem.

When the professional arrives at the home, he or she will likely perform additional radon detection tests, in order to determine the best solution for the problem. Then one of many radon mitigation systems will be installed that will reduce the concentration of the gas to an acceptable level, or eliminate it completely.

Once the job is done, it is a good idea to run a follow-up radon detection test to ensure that the desired results were obtained. This will ensure that the air is safe to breathe for the family that is living in the home.

Radon Detectors

Radon is a chemical element that is formed by the decay of radium.  Although the half-life of the most stable form of radon is only 3.8 days, (meaning that it naturally breaks down very quickly) radon is a very harmful gas.  Radon gas is created by granite and shale in areas all around the world.  As the radon gas seeps out of the ground, it can accumulate in poorly ventilated basements.  Radon gas is much heavier than other components of the atmosphere so can reach dangerous levels in basements. 

When testing for radon, the best method is to do long term testing.  Testing is accomplished by hanging a detector in your basement for a week.  You then send the detector off to a laboratory to analyze the results.  If they return with a positive result you then should purchase a longer term test to confirm the results.  Radon levels can fluctuate wildly so by having a longer scale test you’ll be able to confirm the presence of the radon and at what levels. 

There are many opinions on what the acceptable level of radon is in your home.  The European Union recommends that action should be taken in old house with a reading of over 11 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) and over 5 pCi/L for new houses while Canada recommends action with a reading of over 5 pCi/L.  The United States Environmental Protection Agency has some of the strictest guidelines and strongly recommends action with a radon detection reading of over 4 pCi/L and encouraging action at 2 pCi/L.  Major health studies have shown that concentrations of over 4 pCi/L create an increased risk of lung cancer.

The Surgeon General of the United States has said that over 20,000 deaths a year are caused by radon poisoning.  Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, only behind smoking.  In addition to lung cancer, radon has been suspected of causing other, non-cancer illnesses such as multiple sclerosis however studies have not yet shown a definite relationship.  Radon detection is a relatively cheap process and can help keep you and your family healthy.

Radon Gas Detector

Radon gas is not to be confused with the type of gas that may fuel your stove or home heating system. Gas stoves and heat rely on your utility company, which deliberately puts that sulfurous smell into your gas pipes.  This smell enables you to tell if you have a gas leak, which enables you to evacuate your house (since gas leaks can cause explosions) and call the utility company immediately.  Radon, on the other hand, can kill you silently. You may not even be aware of exposure until years later, when the damage finally becomes evident.  It builds up over time without causing immediately noticeable symptoms.

Radon gas is a naturally occurring, odorless gas.  Radon exposure can lead to lung cancer (and is the leading contributor to lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers) but the only way to tell if it’s present is with a radon gas detector.  Radon is present in all parts of the country, often at harmless levels, but there’s no way to tell for sure without testing.  Even houses near each other may have very different radon levels.  If a radon gas detector finds that your house has a problem you can have a radon mitigation system installed (this usually involves a pipe that vents from your foundation to the outside with a  fan, designed to pull radon into the surrounding air rather than build up in your home).

Radon gas detectors are easy to acquire and use. It’s important to follow the instructions carefully.  Generally, you’ll have to send the radon gas detector kit back to a lab for a reading by a professional, and the results are mailed back to you.  The entire process can take a few weeks, so be sure to allow for this if you are buying or selling a home.

Radon Test

Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that naturally occurs in the soil.  This gas is extremely dangerous when humans breathe it in at high levels.  Since radon is so hard to detect, many people can live for years in a home with high radon levels and not even know it.   Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking cigarettes.  If you have an older home, or a home with a basement, it is extremely important that you get a radon test so you can be aware of the current levels in your home.  In most cases, radon seeps up through cracks in the flooring of a home’s foundation but those with well water should also be aware of its presence in the drinking water as well.  A simple radon test can help you to determine how much radon is in your home’s environment, and can help you decide what steps to take next.

A radon test is generally inexpensive and fairly easy to conduct.  You can purchase an in home testing kit from many retailers and also via mail order.  The test usually only takes a few minutes, and should not cost a whole lot.  It’s worth it for the peace of mind you’ll receive knowing that radon levels you have in your home.  If you feel a little weary of conducting your own radon test, you can always hire a trained professional to do the job for you.  The EPA has listings of qualified contractors, as well as your local state office.  A short term radon test should be able to tell you the general level of radon present.  If you feel uncomfortable with the results, then a long term test lasting over 90 days should be conducted, just so you can be absolutely certain what the radon levels are in your home. 

Radon Tests

One of the more recently discovered threats to human health in the home is radon gas, but, fortunately, there are many different radon tests on the market today. Radon is a heavy gas that released during the decay process of the element Radium. As its name suggests, it is substance that has very high levels of radioactivity. High levels of the substance in a home can cause lung cancer, because every time the gas is taken into the lungs, the lungs are bombarded with radioactive energy. Soon, malignant tumors will begin to form within the lungs.

When a homeowner desires to test his or her home for radon, there are several options available. Short-term radon tests can be used to get a general estimate of the amount of gas in the home. The results, however, are not very accurate, because the quantity of the substance in a home tends to very greatly over time. A long-term, 90-day, test is far more accurate, and should be the second step in the testing process. The third available option is to hire a professional contractor to perform the radon tests. With more expensive and accurate equipment, this is probably the best option to determine the amount of radon that is in the home.

If the radon tests show that there are unacceptable levels of radon in the home, then the next step is to fix the problem. Sometimes the solution can be as simple as installing a vent fan and some ductwork. If that does not lower the levels, however, it may be time to call a professional in to do the work. The contractor will start by sealing any cracks in the foundation, and then a system will be installed underneath the home that will collect the gas and vent it outside. After the repairs are complete, it is a good idea to do a few more radon tests to ensure that the house is now safe.