Mold Lawyer

If you feel that you’ve been exposed to mold due to negligence of another party, you may want to get a mold lawyer and take them to court over it.  Often mold just causes symptoms similar to an allergic reaction how there are more toxic molds that can make you extremely ill and can even cause death.

If you work indoors, you’ll probably be exposed to the same air for long periods at a time.  This isn’t necessarily a bad thing however if your air is polluted by mold spores it could be a very serious problem.  Mold can begin growing in the ventilation system or near an air intake and poison the air of an entire building.  This is one of the many causes of ‘sick building syndrome’ in which occupants of entire buildings all fall ill at once with similar symptoms.  If the mold was caused by negligence of your company you may want to see a mold lawyer to see if your entitled to lost pay or health care.

If you rent a part of a building to work in or to live in, you often don’t have access to other areas of the building like the attic or the basement.  These are two prime locations where mold likes to grow due to the damp atmosphere.  If left unnoticed, mold can grow to the point of consuming entire walls.  Even if the mold is only a non toxic species you will most likely be forced out of the building while a specialized crew is brought in to remove the mold.  This may entitle you to part of your rent back or money from your landlord due to lost productivity.  By contacting a mold lawyer you can find out just what your options are.

Mold Lawsuit

If you’re experiencing a severe mold issue in your house, you might be inclined to turn to a mold lawsuit to solve your problems. You could consider claiming damages from a builder or housing parts manufacturer, or against a landlord if you live in an apartment. However, a lawsuit can be a very expensive and time-consuming undertaking, so it is important to get the facts first.
First, document any health problems you may be experiencing, and be sure that your doctor has checked you for health problems that are not related to mold.   Symptoms of mold health issues can include symptoms that are similar to allergic reactions and other diseases.  Also, some types of molds are harmless, so if you are experiencing respiratory problems or skin irritation, it could be from another illness.  Moreover, different people may react differently even to the less-harmful mold varieties.

In addition to checking your symptoms with your doctor, it’s a good idea to have the mold tested to determine if it is, in fact, a harmful  mold variety.  Once you have determined that the mold is a harmful variety, you can get an inspector to advise you on whether or not your housing construction or materials may be to blame.  If this is the case, it may a good idea to consider a mold lawsuit to reimburse you for your health costs and costs of mold remediation and prevention of further mold.

If you decide to engage in a mold lawsuit, it is still a good idea to get the mold hazard removed immediately to prevent further health complications if at all possible.  A mold lawsuit can take a while to resolve, and even obtaining a large settlement won’t help if the health problems are severe.  Research your lawyer to be sure that he or she has a good track record in mold lawsuit cases.

Mold Lawsuits

Got black mold? Well, if you’re coughing and wheezing and you have a severe skin rash, you may have a good case for considering options for mold lawsuits.  However, if your problems are not mold-related, you’re wasting time and money.

The first step, if you’re thinking about mold lawsuits, is to determine that your health and house problems are definitely mold related. You’ll want to make a doctor visit and have the doctor rule out non-mold related illnesses. Next, get a mold inspection professional’s opinion on the severity and type of mold present.  A mold test should be performed to determine the severity and type of mold that exists. There are different types of mold tests; it’s best to measure both surface and air mold.  Mold collection varies, but a good mold inspection professional should be able to take both surface and air samples, as well as know how different mold types appear under a microscope.  (There are wide disparities in experience among mold inspectors, since mold inspection certification programs vary.)  Be sure that your mold inspector is experienced as well as certified; check with others to see if they’ve had any good experience with mold inspectors.  This may also give you a chance to see if other people in your development have had mold issues. If mold problems are widespread in your neighborhood, this may also indicate that  mold lawsuits have great potential to get the builder or developer to pay for damages.

If the evidence points to serious mold problems (definite presence of mold, health problems, problems in similar houses built by the same builder) then it may be worthwhile to consider mold lawsuits.  In order to avoid risking money unnecessarily, it may be a good idea to hire a lawyer who only gets paid if she wins (assuming your settlement would be big enough to cover your legal costs and your repairs).  You avoid upfront legal costs, but will lose a large chunk of the settlement money to your lawyer.  But if mold has caused you and your family serious problems, a good case for mold lawsuits can be made. Talk to a good lawyer (or more than one) to really get a good idea of the likelihood of winning mold lawsuits.

Mold Atlanta

The prevalence of mold Atlanta, Georgia has been proliferated with has been astounding as in many southern and southwestern states in the United States.  Experts studying the mold Atlanta has been dealing with for more than a few years now are saying that moisture management should take precedence over energy cost savings.  The reason is because the mold Atlanta is dealing with is thriving because of the high relative humidity levels.  Mold, especially toxic or black mold is a fungal organism that can spread and grow very quickly when given favorable conditions needed t thrive such as poorly lit, damp surfaces with high humidity.  When conditions for growth are not favorable however, the mold becomes a fine powder and is usually airborne until it can stick to a surface where conditions can be met for growth. 

Airborne molds can cause many health risks both minor and severe.  This is the number one cause for alarm in Atlanta.  Because of the elevated publicity about the dangers of toxic mold Atlanta has joined many other states in increased mold lawsuits and vast cleanup efforts with energy conservation taking the backseat for the moment. 

In order to reduce moisture residents should seek out any leaky windows, doors, cracks in the basement, holes in attic spaces and seal them as soon as possible so that the warm air rising from the draft areas does not cool and condense on walls and surfaces.  When mold is found, it should be cleaned immediately with a chlorine bleach solution and scraped off of wooden surfaces if necessary.  Residents may also want to have their plumbing checked for leaks, rust, and loose fitting pipes to prevent mold buildup.  If residents suspect that the have black mold, they may wish to call a certified mold inspector to sample and clean the mold professionally.

Mold Litigation

Mold growth in the home, school, or office should not be tolerated because it is unsightly in nature; it physically destroys the building structure and materials as it grows producing pungent odors and as it sensitizes causes allergic reactions and health ailments in allergic or immune weakened individuals.  Sometimes it is necessary for a person to seek compensation for damages to personal or physical property due to mold and therefore mold litigation is essential.

In a mold litigation case, the plaintiff is often a tenant in a mold infested apartment complex or possibly the parent of a child who has fallen ill due to mold found within her school.  The plaintiff will seek compensatory damages for lost time from work, medical expenses, damage to personal property, etc due to the lack of attention to the mold problem despite attempts by the plaintiff prior to the initializing of the mold litigation.  Though pictures speak a thousand words, the success of any mold litigation case will weigh heavily upon the accessibility and credibility of expert witnesses to testify in defense of the wither the plaintiff or the defendant.  Some experts to consider using in a mold litigation case may be industrial hygienists, mycologists, toxicologists, construction experts, neuropsychologists, and immunologists.

One of the most famous examples of mold litigation was the attention brought to mold litigation by the now famed Erin Brockovich.  The newly publicized health risks associated with mold have also spurred a skyrocketing response in the amount of mold litigation cases brought before the courts every year.  Some opponents believe that not only are these lawsuits frivolous but costing taxpayers millions in revamped building code legislation and court fees.  Proponents champion the once powerless tenants paying slumlords for substandard living conditions and reciprocity for time lost due to illness from mold.

Certified Mold Inspector

If you have found mold in your home or your family is showing the signs of sickness due to mold then you need to call a certified mold inspector as soon as possible.  Mold is present in your house at all times but can become active after such instances of flood or spike in humidity.  Your family can become very ill with symptoms such as lung infections, ear infections, skin infections or chronic fatigue.  It does not matter if you can see the mold or not because a certified mold inspector will be able to look at you home and detect the cause and rid you of poisonous mycotoxins.

Certified mold inspectors have been trained in the breeding causes of mold.  Mold becomes tricky because it does not always show itself on your walls.  Mold may grow on the inside of walls or in the carpet of your home.  Certified mold inspectors will have the tools to find the cause of your illness and return your home up to code. 

If there have been no signs of illness from your family but you are still concerned about mold then you should call a certified mold inspector.  It is a good idea to have a certified mold inspector out to your home at least once a year to make sure seasonal weather changes have not caused a detriment to your home.  The sooner you can spot the mold the more you will be preventing illness from causing your family heartache.  It is always easier to prevent mold then it is to repair a large mold growth problem.

You want to have a home that you can return to at the end of a long day and feel good about.  When you come home to a home that will make you sick you lose the respite after a long day and you will not only find yourself becoming physically sick you will also become stressed out and the health problems will only be exasperated.  Turning your worries over to the hands of a certified mold inspector will help clear up the sickness and the stress in your life.

Mold Damage

Mold Spores Are Always Around

Understanding what causes mold to grow can help to control mold damage.  Mold spores are found at all times, both indoors and out. Indoors mold spores are continuously found flying in the air, mixed with household dust or lying on surfaces. Outdoors mold breaks down dead organic materials as part of the cycle of life, but indoors mold causes damage to wood, walls, ceilings, floors and other building parts.  Uncontrolled mold growth will cause extensive and expensive mold damage to your home.  It is impossible to kill all the mold spores in your home so management is imperative to prevent mold damage. 

Mold Control

Controlling mold in the home is simple but can be time consuming.  Regular cleaning with detergent and drying completely any areas that get wet or are dampened regularly, such as bathroom fixtures, can keep mold under control.  Repairing a leaking pipe, weeping window or cracked basement floor as soon as any problem is found will prevent mold damage that is very destructive.  Mold spores float through the air or lay dormant on surfaces until warm, moist conditions initiate the mold growth.  Controlling all moisture causing situations will go a long way to controlling mold damage. For example, after proper repairs are made to stop a water leak in your home, any water spillage must be dried completely within twenty-four to forty-eight hours to prevent mold spores from growing.

Running the bathroom fan or opening the window when showering, cleaning the roof gutters often, making sure the ground slopes away from the foundation of your home and keeping air conditioning drip pans and water lines clean and unobstructed are all simple ways to prevent mold damage.  Cover cold surfaces, such as water pipes, with insulation to help prevent condensation and increase air circulation with the use of open windows or fans. Using a dehumidifier and raising the air temperature will also inhibit condensation from forming.

Water Damage Mold

Water damage is already enough of a problem itself without worrying about mold too.  But water damage mold occurs regularly along with the irritation of the water damage itself.

The first thing to do is inspect and treat your home for even subtle signs of water damage. Whereas dramatic water damage (such as you might get from a tub, toilet, or other plumbing problem) is quite noticeable, other water damage is subtle. Look for peeling wallpaper or faint brown spots (especially on your ceiling or the highest part of a wall).  A slight bubbling in latex paint, or a shiny appearance may also be a clue.  If the problem appears to be spreading, you may want to hire a contractor to examine it further (or do it yourself if you know your way around home repairs.) You’ll need to fix the troubled patch of drywall, and removing a small section may also give you insight into the root cause behind the damage. Also, check your house’s siding where the damage appears (and above, since water can flow down before it appears as visible damage).

Once you’ve identified the root cause of the water damage mold can be prevented.  Wherever the water damage occurred, use a mold-killing primer on the surface before you paint.  Wear a mask and latex gloves when you apply primer, as the fumes can be quite strong and the primer difficult to remove from skin.

If water damage mold has already appeared, it’s not too late. You can swab the moldy area with a diluted bleach solution (again, use gloves and a mask).  You can also remove the drywall (which you may need to do anyway, depending on the degree of water damage.

Be sure to dehumidify your house to prevent future mold growth.  Mold adores humidity, so don’t let conditions in your house be a mold haven.

If the mold reappears or seems particularly aggressive, get a mold testing kit to determine the type and potential toxicity of the mold. Be sure to keep an eye out for less evident types of mold (pale or pinkish molds).

Mold Prevention

Several varieties of mold can be quite aggravating those with allergies or labored breathing, but any issues can be avoided by following a few mold prevention techniques. The key ingredient in the growth life of mold is moisture, and there are several steps that can be taken to reduce the amount of moisture in a home.

During months in which the indoor air becomes humid, removing moisture from the air is a very helpful step in mold prevention. Both dehumidifiers and air conditioners are cable of extracting water vapor from the air, which will prevent mold from growing on interior walls. In the bathroom, a circulation fan with a system of ducts, venting to the outside of the living area, will remove the very humid air that is produced when the shower is used. In addition, a properly ventilated stove hood in the kitchen will take care of the vapors created while preparing meals.

Proper maintenance of the home itself is also a necessary step in mold prevention. Any time a large amount of water penetrates the structure of the house, a serious mold problem can occur. Water intrusion can happen when the roof leaks, when water supply and drain lines start to age, or when windows or siding are improperly installed or need replacement. Even if a minor problem is detected, it should be fixed as soon as possible.

When water does enter the home, more immediate mold prevention techniques will be needed. The source of the leak must be immediately fixed, and then any wet areas must be dried as quickly as possible. Wood, drywall, insulation, and other porous materials that have become soaked with water should be replaced. Any other materials should be dried with fans or other equipment. If the area is extremely large, it may be best to call in a professional service help with mold prevention, especially if one suspects there may be hidden damage.

Mold Insurance

In the year 2001, insurance companies spent over 1.2 billion dollars in black mold cases. The cost included the inspection and testing, remediation, attorney fees and punitive damages. Since this time the number of cases against black mold has continued to rise. Billions of dollars is paid out every year in lawsuits. Therefore, as a landlord, builder or property owner it is best to looking into the mold insurance option and know specifically what you are covered against.

As a result of the increase in cases many insurance policies now have a mold exclusion clause. If you find that your insurance does not have this policy then it would be a good idea to hold onto it. Because of these newer clauses it is becoming increasingly difficult to get mold coverage. Often mold insurance is a stand-alone policy or one that has higher premiums. You can even choose to have mold insurance added on to your existing policy, but the cost is often high.

It is a good idea to invest in mold insurance if you live in a humid area such as the Pacific Northwest. If is even more important to get mold insurance if you have an old property since older buildings have a strict guideline to follow when it comes to toxic black mold removal. Often you can reduce the cost of mold coverage by developing your own Operation and Maintenance plan. These plans often include a schedule for inspection and training for employees to deal with mold remediation.

The best then that any building owner can do is to take care of all mold problems when they occur either inside or outside your building. You need to keep an eye on any properties that have a history of mold. Communicate with any tenants and employees. Make sure everyone in the building knows how to check for mold and that they will notify you when they do find mold.