NC Building Code

Building codes are specific laws to tell builders what the minimum requirements are when constructing a building.  The laws are made for safety reasons and to protect the general public.  Most of the various building codes are designed to be followed by architects and engineers who are actually designing buildings however they are also building codes that apply to contractors, manufacturers and insurance companies.

Almost all building codes are designed at the state and local levels and they all vary, however all are fairly similar.  For example the NY building codes might require that electrical outlets be spaced no more that 10 feet apart while NC building codes may require that they be placed no more than 12 feet apart.  While many of the differences may seem trivial, it is important for the states to have separate building codes to take account for things such as the regional environmental conditions.

For example, the NC building codes are different than the Alaskan building codes because North Carolina has a temperate environment while Alaska has frigid conditions that put different strains on buildings.  NC building codes take into consideration tropical storms and hurricanes which might come out of the Atlantic Ocean.  North Carolina building codes might also take into account such things as local insects which may be a hazard to certain types of building materials.

Some states may also decide to be more progressive with their building codes than other states.  For example, the NC building code may not be as friendly to the environment as the California building code, a state well known for placing environmental concerns at the forefront.  States must decide for themselves how to strike a balance with deciding how much to require of the builders.  By requiring builders to do more they drive up the price of construction which can put a strain on the economy statewide.

International Building Code

Building safety is an issue that is addressed in every municipality across the nation.  Different geographic regions have inherently differing needs but, for the most part, buildings across the country need to meet the same level of safety and construction quality as those in the rest of the country.

To ensure widespread safety within the construction industry, the International Building Code (IBC) was developed and adopted as the model to follow throughout the country.

Today’s International Building Code was finalized in the year 2000 and is based on three regional model codes that came into use almost 100 years before.  As building needs, materials, and technologies have changed over the years, these regional codes were updated accordingly.

The first model code universal to the entire United States was published in 1997, leading the way for the finalized 2000 edition.  A new website, activated in 2007, features the International Building Code in automated form on the internet.

The 2000 hard copy edition of the International Code book is massive, consisting of more than 700 pages.  It incorporates building standards adopted by subsets of building codes that address plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and fire protection standards.

Some specific issues addressed by the International Building Code regulations include how intended occupancy affects a building’s classification.  The IBC does not apply to dwellings designed for one- and two-family occupancy.

For other buildings, however, the International Building Code sets standards for building height and size, acceptable interior finish materials and techniques, sprinkler system systems, and interior traffic flow.

The International Building Code also contains regulations for roof, wall, and foundation construction and the materials that can be used in their construction.  Acceptable means of travel between floors is included for stairways, escalators, and elevators.

The International Building Code has not been accepted as law in every jurisdiction in the US but those jurisdictions not accepting it have building codes established that come very near to meeting all IBC requirements.

2003 International Building Code

The International Code Council is an organization which helps to organize United States local governments, to create baseline building codes and other building safety standards. Its main focus is fire prevention and building safety in the residential and commercial building industry, and promoting reliable code enforcement. The first edition of the International building code was published in 1997, with updates every three years.  The 2003 International building code was updated to include new provisions for steel framing, and energy savings.

A large portion of the 2003 International building code addresses fire prevention in the construction and design industry. It has a focus on the number of and location of exits, and the code designates those exits be left unblocked. The 2003 International building code also has provisions for handicapped access, and wall stability in regards to standing up to earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters. 

It is the duty of local government building departments, to enforce the building codes. The 2003 International Building Code set minimum standards for those in the construction industry to follow. Local agencies are free to add amendments to the building codes that must be tougher than the requirements of the 2003 International Building Code. A county in Florida for example will want to have tougher standard in regards to the structural stability of a roof to stand up to wind damage because of the threat of hurricanes. Conversely, a county in New England would want a roof to be able to withstand the weight of a couple of feet of snow, and would tailor their codes to deal with that.

A building must get a certificate of occupancy in order for humans to be able to live or do business there. The certificate of occupancy is issued after a local building inspector certifies that the design, materials, and workmanship meet the minimum standards set forth in the local building code. The standards guided by the 2003 international building code.

California Building Code

Many states have not adopted their very own state specific building codes that have been implemented to ensure the safety of occupants of all buildings built within that state.  Each state follows their own set of rules and regulations, and the California Building Code is no exception.  Of course, as building practices and standards change, as well as materials, there is a need to adapt to these changes accordingly.  Since the California Building Code is governed by the BSC, or Building Standard and Codes, certain rules must apply before a change can be made.  These rules apply to every single new code and every single change to existing building codes as well.  First and foremost, a newly proposed building standard cannot conflict with any existing codes already in place, and cannot overlap or override them either.  Of course, another more obvious rule is that the proposed code cannot be unfair, unreasonable, or so specific that it only applies to one specific building or structure. 

All proposed standards for the California Building Code must be written consistent with the overall current BSC format and cannot be written in a confusing or capricious manner.  Any new codes written or proposed that relate to fire safety must have final approval from the State Fire Marshall.  Changes to the California Building code are rare, but can happen when there is a need to update or remove certain clauses within it.  All of these codes are put in place to guarantee that safety guidelines are followed and adhered to throughout the construction process, and that these codes remain in place once the building has been completed so that safety is maintained throughout the life of the building.  This helps to maintain that the residents and visitors of the great state of California are protected when they enter one of its many wonderful buildings. 

Building Code Book

Babylonian King Hammurabi published the first recorded document that can be considered a building code book almost 4,000 years ago.  Faulty building practices were no more appreciated then than they are now.

Fortunately, it’s highly unlikely any of today’s building code books call for penalties as harsh as did that first one.  Back then, if someone constructed a building for someone else and that building collapsed and killed the homeowner, the builder would also be killed in retribution.  If a son or a slave was killed, the builder made retribution in kind.

Today’s building code book may call for some strict penalties and fines but nothing quite that dramatic.  Still, building codes are very important business.

Every municipality in the United States has its own uniform standards for building construction and they are published in a document often referred to as a building code book.  Some countries have building codes that apply nationwide.

Anyone involved in the construction, sale, or occupancy of a building of any sort has reason to be familiar with the local building code book.  Public safety is the main focus of building codes and building standards are taken quite seriously.

In fact, building permits must be approved according to the regulations documented in a local building code book before any construction or renovation can legally begin.  To fail to procure a permit invites consequences that can be very expensive.

Codes and standards change as building techniques and materials evolve.  As a result, it is always wise to consult the latest revision to the local building code book before finalizing plans for any building project.

It’s unlikely you’ll find a building inspector with the same sense of justice as had the good King Hammurabi but it’s never a bad idea to be familiar with your local building code book anyway.  It’s always a good idea to build it safe.

Residential Building Code

When a builder or contractor begins to work on a new home, they must adhere to the residential building code.  Before someone can begin to work on a new home, they must follow exact standards that have been set forth by government law, to ensure that the safety of the building is at its optimum level.  The residential building code exists to ensure that all dwellings and structures are built to standard.

The residential building code ensures the safety of a building and includes determining the types of materials that are used throughout the construction process.  Federal, State, and local laws will govern the residential building code.  You’ll find that since different states experience different climates, that what are applicable building codes in one state would be irrelevant in another.  One area where the residential building code works to ensure citizen safety is in the area of mold.

Since mold grows where moisture is present, it also thrives in humid areas.  Throughout the country, many states will find that a high level of mold growth is present in damp and dark basements, however some states will experience more mold growth than others due to the environment having high humidity levels.  These states will have residential building codes that address the issue of mold growth.

To determine the building codes that govern your area, you will need to get in touch with your local building officer through the office of planning and zoning.  Also, the county office that handles zoning and permits will also have information regarding residential building codes.  You shouldn’t rely on specific codebooks for determining the exact rules and regulations.  Since building codes may change frequently, it is best to contact your zoning office to find out the current codes. By working with the applicable building codes, you can ensure that your new home or office will be a safe and sturdy environment.

Uniform Building Code

All construction companies and builders should be familiar with the uniform building code.  This code is a sort of standards and practices manual for those who are constructing buildings, whether they are private homes or public buildings.  A book containing the uniform building code can be purchased to help serve as a guide.  If you decide to purchase this book, be sure it is up to date, as the codes can change each year when they adapt to new building safety standards.  The books should also come with a checklist, so builders can be sure they are following protocol as they go.  No matter what type of structure is being built, the uniform building code provides the needed time-saving, code-verifying tool.  There are steps taken to ensure a building is totally complete, and these include the design stage, architectural documentation, structural documentation, and safety and electrical specifications.

While the uniform building code is most certainly a necessity, it can also be very complex and often difficult to understand.  A good book or guide can make following the code much easier for the builder.  Since inspectors have been specially trained to know what to look for, having some assistance for your crew in knowing how to follow the rules is a big help.  The uniform building code was put in place to help ensure the safety of both employees and future occupants of any given building.  Without it, there would be no proper guidelines and therefore the risk of injury would be much larger than it is.  Thanks to the uniform building code, most structures in the United States have been erected with safety in mind.  A guide can help construction workers and foremen know what to look for, so they can prevent problems from occurring or accidents from happening well ahead of time.

Standard Building Code

Standard Building code is a compilation of requirements that must be met when homes are built or remodeled, designed to ensure that certain standards of habitability and safety are maintained. These regulations address nearly every aspect of projects such as home building, remodeling, and demolition among many others. For the most part, these rules are developed by people who are actively involved in the construction field and adopted by local, county, state, and federal authorities to ensure the health and well being of the general public and the environment.

All construction projects are required to conform to standard building code specifications, and are inspected periodically as they progress. Inspectors who find code violations in a project have the authority to assess fines or even stop work on the project until provisions are made to bring the project into compliance with standard building code. This sort of code enforcement action can have a great impact on building costs, as code violations are often quite expensive to rectify, and construction delays can be quite costly to the builder.

Given the consequences that can result from violations of the standard building code, it is wise to gather as much information about these regulations as possible before embarking on a building or remodeling project. Many builder’s associations and local government offices have reference books that can give a detailed explanation of the standard building code requirements. Standard building code books can also be ordered from a local book retailer or online, and seeking the advice of seasoned professionals who have practical experience with standard building code can be of great help as well. Be sure to allow plenty of time to study up on standard building code regulations, as they are quite complex and comprehensive.

Whether you are remodeling your existing home or building a new one, a bit of research on standard building code is wise. A good working knowledge of standard building code requirements can save a great deal of hassle and expense, allowing your project to progress smoothly.

Southern Building Code

Southern building code can differ from other areas. That makes it important to be sure to do the extra research if building in the south is a new experience for you. Fortunately, finding out what you need to know about southern building code doesn’t require all the legwork or time on telephone hold that it once did, making it much faster to get the information you need.

Different regions have different climate and geographical concerns, and those differences can affect building codes. Some structures are better suited for certain types of terrain than others, and some regions require specific building features. Some building codes rely more on local or regional preferences, so the differences in building codes can vary from one area to another. Therefore, when building in the south, rather than taking for granted that what you know of building codes from other regions holds true, it is better to take the time to learn about southern building code before you start work.

In times past, having to familiarize yourself with southern building code entailed a bit of legwork, such as a trip to the library or to the office of a local building code official. Telephone research and sitting on hold when there’s so much to be done can be a strain on the nerves. Fortunately, however, there is another option.

There’s a lot of useful and accurate southern building code information available online. While it won’t hurt to verify that information with local officials to make sure that there have been no changes in the particular aspect of southern building code that you are researching, you’ll have a great start in your information gathering and planning.

Researching southern building code before you start work can make a real difference in how smooth and hassle free your project is to complete. Finding the information you need to know about southern building code is much easier now that so much of that information is available online.

Universal Building Code

If a building a new home is in your near future, learning the basics about universal building code is a great way to ensure that your new house will meet your expectations when it is completed. No matter the purchase to be made, an informed consumer is always more likely to make the best choices, their knowledge leaving them less reliant on the advice of others when making important decisions.

For most consumers, their home is the largest investment they will ever enter into. Aside from the financial commitment that a home represents, many consumers are emotionally invested in the building of their ideal home. Given the magnitude of the investment involved in building a home, becoming well informed about the design process, materials choices, and universal building code specifications that enter into the process is wise, allowing you to be more involved in the decision making process.

Universal building code is quite complex, containing regulations and standards for every step of the home building process. There are rules that apply to fire safety standards, plumbing and waste systems, property drainage requirements, structural systems, and electrical wiring. Other sections of universal building code specify standards for mechanical and combustion equipment and energy usage.

While the complex regulations and standards contained in universal building code may seem like a tangle of confusing and annoying rules, they are designed to ensure that the homeowner is presented with a quality finished product that is safe and built with reasonable skill and care. Adherence to the standards of universal building code is mandatory in every construction project, ensuring the safety of homes and buildings within each community.

You can obtain information on universal building code from a variety of sources. Builder’s associations generally have a selection of such information, or your local Building Inspector’s office may be able to assist you. Libraries and book retailers can be a good source of universal building code information as well. The effort you expend in learning the basics of universal building code is sure to serve you well over the long run, helping your dream home become a reality.