Mold is a fungal organism that can spread and grow very quickly when given the most favorable conditions needed such as poorly lit, damp surfaces. When conditions for growth are not favorable however, the mold becomes a fine powder and is usually airborne until it can stick to a surface where conditions can be met for growth. Airborne molds can cause many health risks both minor and severe.
Removing a mold stain can be as big a challenge as many large household chores. Sometimes chlorine bleach is recommended for use in a 10% solution for bathrooms to kill mold and remove the mold stain. However, chlorine bleach does not always kill the mold body and may require prolonged and frequent uses to completely kill the mold. If the mold is not completely killed, discoloration and damage can continue at the site of the mold stain. To begin an effective mold stain removal process, circulation of dry air and sunlight are needed to help kill an active mold. Wooden floors can stand to be severely damaged from a mold stain that goes unnoticed. To remove a mold stain from a hardwood floor, dry the area and treat with chlorine bleach solution. Afterward, scrape the affected area with a piece of metal and sand the area down after scraping.
Believe it or not, clothing can be stained by mold as well. To remove a mold stain from clothing, make sure the garment is thoroughly aired out preferably in the sunlight and dried. The ultraviolet rays of the sun should effectively kill the mold and allow the garment to be cleaned by normal means in the washing machine using bleach when conventional cleaning may fail. Unfortunately, a mold stain cannot always be removed such as the case on paper and paintings without ruining or damaging it. Prevention is the only key to keeping paper goods and artwork mold free.
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