Kanban Method

The Kanban Method: A Productivity Boost for Construction Workflows


Construction project managers are always looking for more effective ways to streamline their building processes.

Safety, quality, and productivity are the major pillars determining how well a construction project will flow until completed.

When any of these aspects are disrupted, it can mean delays and added costs. Complex construction projects have a lot of moving parts that can quickly overwhelm even the most organized management team.

Any one of these things can lower your construction workflow to a crawl:

  • Lack of inventory or materials
  • Incomplete drawings
  • Inspections
  • Instruction and training scheduling
  • Lack of tools or equipment
  • Poor communication

While some bottlenecks may be unavoidable, a lot can be done to mitigate problems before they affect your workflow.

It starts with having the right mindset so that your construction business can run seamlessly.

More Productivity Hacks:

  1. Forbes: “25 Productivity Hacks for the Busy Professional” – https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2019/05/13/25-productivity-hacks-for-the-busy-professional/?sh=7d9a9c8e7f96
  2. Inc.: “20 Productivity Hacks to Get More Done in Less Time” – https://www.inc.com/marcel-schwantes/20-productivity-hacks-to-get-more-done-in-less-time.html
  3. Entrepreneur: “25 Productivity Hacks to Help You Get More Done in Less Time” – https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/326616
  4. Time Management Ninja: “15 Productivity Hacks for Busy People” – https://www.timemanagementninja.com/productivity-hacks-for-busy-people/
  5. Reminder Call: 10 Easy Hacks to Make you a Productivity Master: https://www.remindercall.com/resources/10-easy-hacks-to-make-you-a-productivity-master/

What is the Kanban Method?

The Kanban Method is a work management style that helps business leaders define, manage, and improve their services.

The word “Kanban” comes from a Japanese word meaning “visual board” or “sign” and has been used in the business world since the 1950s.

It was first developed by Toyota as a scheduling system for inventory. The intent was to create a system of pulling inventory “just in time”.

Any parts pulled from stock through the day would be recorded and that amount would be replenished for the next day. The end goal was waste reduction without losing productivity.

Fast forward to today and you will find companies across many industries implementing the principles originated by Kanban.

Construction project workflows are no different. The Kanban Method can help you work with an emphasis on knowledge of where your business is at in real-time.

It will also create an environment that levels out the peaks and valleys of too much or too little work, leading to greater efficiency and morale.

Learn More:

  1. Kanban University: “The Kanban Method” – https://kanbanuniversity.com/the-kanban-method/
  2. LeanKit: “What is Kanban?” – https://www.leankit.com/learn/kanban/what-is-kanban/
  3. Lean Kanban University: “The Kanban Method” – https://leankanbanuniversity.com/the-kanban-method/
  4. Agile Alliance: “Kanban” – https://www.agilealliance.org/kanban/
  5. Lean Enterprise Institute: “Kanban” – https://www.lean.org/kanban/

Setting Up a Kanban System for Construction

At its heart, Kanban is a visual system. Cards or tiles with work items on them are arranged under different status categories.

Think of it like sticky notes, each with one task, placed on a board. Briefly, you will be able to judge what has been done, what is being done, and what needs to be done.

Four Kanban principles should be kept in mind while creating a workflow system for a business in the construction industry.

Visualize the workflow

Kanban helps to visualize the work being accomplished. Select a method that creates an easy-read system where work items can be viewed and understood immediately.

This means that each work item may be summarized with key pieces of information like a summary description and the assigned worker.

Adding too much information to each work item complicates the whole system. Not having enough details limits its effectiveness in communicating statuses.

Limit the work in progress

The Kanban Method is a pull system. Work items are pulled and worked on as needed which allows for quickly determining current work-in-progress items and who is accomplishing them.

You will be able to keep enough open projects going so workers do not lose productivity. And you can ensure that your construction project isn’t taking on too many tasks at once so that employees are overstressed.

Focus and flow

Setting up a Kanban system for a business helps to establish proper focus and flow. As team members complete a task, they select another item to focus on.

There is less emphasis on piling endless tasks on people. Additionally, it can keep people from standing around without anything to work on.

Continuous improvement

Since Kanban breaks the business process down into its constituent parts, it gives a greater ability to see where improvement can be made.

Process improvement becomes the standard by which your construction project operates rather than a meaningless exercise at the end of a project.

Learn More:

  1. Construction Industry Institute: “Kanban System in Construction” – https://www.construction-institute.org/resources/kanban-system-construction/
  2. Lean Construction Institute: “Kanban” – https://www.leanconstruction.org/kanban/
  3. Project Smart: “Kanban in Construction” – https://www.projectsmart.co.uk/kanban-in-construction.php
  4. Project Management Hut: “Kanban in Construction: Benefits and Challenges” – https://www.projectmanagementhut.com/kanban-in-construction-benefits-and-challenges/
  5. Lean Construction Blog: “Kanban in Construction” – https://www.leanconstructionblog.com/kanban-in-construction/

The Kanban Method in Action

A simple Kanban implementation will allow for three categories – To Do, Doing, and Done. Individual work tasks for the whole project are placed under the appropriate category.

As work progresses, items are moved through the flow from one column to the next as their status updates. This Kanban board gives a visual method for overseeing the work process.

It can be as simple and low-tech as a whiteboard or sticky notes. Or a business can use innovative software that provides a real-time dashboard accessible to all stakeholders with intelligent connections between discrete tasks.

A project manager can be tasked with keeping the Kanban dashboard up to date. They may assign new tasks to idle workers and keep the construction project moving forward.

Learn More:

  1. LeanKit: “Real-World Kanban Examples” – https://www.leankit.com/learn/kanban/real-world-kanban-examples/
  2. Lean Kanban University: “Case Studies” – https://leankanbanuniversity.com/case-studies/
  3. Agile Alliance: “Kanban Case Studies” – https://www.agilealliance.org/resources/case-studies/kanban/
  4. Lean Enterprise Institute: “Kanban Case Studies” – https://www.lean.org/CaseStudies/Kanban.cfm
  5. Kanban University: “Success Stories” – https://kanbanuniversity.com/success-stories/

The Benefits of Using the Kanban Method for Construction

The Kanban Method has the stated purpose of visualizing data. It allows for a transparent view of the project. Knowledge no longer needs to be held by one person.

It also allows for greater communication within a team. Everyone sees where their work item fits into the greater whole.

It makes things clearer when one team member falls behind on a task. The Kanban board may show who is waiting on another task to be completed so they can do their assignment – leading to greater collaboration and team effort.

An efficient flow and less waste mean a business project keeps moving forward instead of lagging behind.

Learn More:

  1. Construction Industry Institute: “Kanban System in Construction” – https://www.construction-institute.org/resources/kanban-system-construction/
  2. Lean Construction Institute: “Kanban” – https://www.leanconstruction.org/kanban/
  3. Project Smart: “Kanban in Construction” – https://www.projectsmart.co.uk/kanban-in-construction.php
  4. Project Management Hut: “Kanban in Construction: Benefits and Challenges” – https://www.projectmanagementhut.com/kanban-in-construction-benefits-and-challenges/
  5. Lean Construction Blog: “Kanban in Construction” – https://www.leanconstructionblog.com/kanban-in-construction/


The Kanban Method can be applied across many industries, including construction. It allows project managers to create a simple tracking method without needing to learn complex processes.

Kanban lets you see tasks visually to instantly understand what work is waiting to be done, what items are in progress, and what tasks are finished.

This information can be presented in a variety of ways and made widely available to entire teams of workers. Thus, work is not only efficient and flowing forward, but it is also transparent.

There’s no reason to think that the Kanban Method can’t help your business achieve its workflow goals.

Try it out on your next construction project to see what improvement it can give your workflow!

Horse Stable

Types of Horse Stables

There are two main types of stables:

Traditional Stables

Traditional stables are individual stalls with doors that open onto an outdoor yard.


  • Adequate ventilation through windows and roof ventilation
  • Protection from the rain and shade from an overhanging roof
  • Reduced risk of cross-infection with each horse in its own stable
  • The ability to see other horses on the yard
  • Individual access to each stable
  • The ability to add more stables as needed
  • Easily disinfected isolation boxes
  • The ability to convert stables into tack, feed, and rug drying rooms
  • The ability to attend to one horse at night without disturbing the entire yard
  • The ability to accommodate horses with dust allergies by keeping them on shavings or rubber matting


  • Personal equipment must be stored in a separate tack room
  • Some horses may prefer to see other horses while in their stable

Barn Stabling

Barn stables are individual stalls within a shared, covered structure.


  • Horses can see each other through grilles between stalls
  • Central walkway leads to the outdoors
  • All stables are covered
  • Horses can see and interact with each other
  • Many stables have windows for fresh air
  • Adequate ventilation with high roofs
  • The ability to house large numbers of horses under one roof
  • The ability to store rugs, grooming equipment, and other gear outside the stable
  • The ability to easily deliver shavings, hay, and straw with a small vehicle on the central walkway


  • Some horses may find the busy atmosphere stressful
  • It may be difficult to attend to one horse at night without disturbing the others
  • Infections can spread quickly in a barn setting
  • Limited tying-up facilities outside the stable
  • It may be difficult to accommodate horses with hay or straw allergies without also changing the feed and bedding of surrounding horses

In conclusion, the choice of horse stable ultimately depends on the needs and preferences of the horses and their owners. Traditional stables offer individual stalls and the ability to easily add more stables as needed, while barn stables allow horses to see and interact with each other and can accommodate large numbers of horses. Both types of stables have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice will depend on the specific situation and requirements.

Smart Office Buildings: what features do people really want?

How much do people really know about smart offices – and what features would they like to see?

Thanks to advances in technology, the smart office building is an idea whose time has come. It brings with it a host of tangible benefits for employers and employees alike, as described in a report from British Land in partnership with WORKTECH Academy.

But what do people actually know about smart offices, what features would they like to see, and when do they expect to be working in one?

To find out, British Land ran a survey of 1,063 office workers in London (of whom 291 are fully involved in making decisions about the location of their organization) to explore the appetite for – and perceptions of – smart offices.

Re-thinking office space is certainly being discussed at the top level of organizations: 96 percent of decision-makers have heard of smart offices, and only 23 percent say they’re ‘aware but not knowledgeable’. It’s a different story for less senior workers: only 11 percent are ‘knowledgeable’, although a further 47 percent have heard of smart offices, even if they don’t know much about them.

What’s more, businesses largely appear to be convinced that a smart office is something they should be planning for: 90 percent of decision-makers see a business reason for working in one and 87 percent say they’ll require smart technology in their office the next time they move.

Favored features

This high level of confidence in smart offices seems to be based on a perception that they will trigger benefits for an organization. Decision-makers think the chief benefits of smart offices will be in raising productivity and wellbeing, bringing an expected 51 percent increase in each, on average. Appeals to new talent and employee loyalty aren’t far behind, with average perceived increases of 48 percent and 45 percent respectively.

Respondents were also given a list of possible smart office features and asked which of those they don’t already have would appeal to them. The most popular were:

  • Self-adjusting lighting and window shades (53 percent don’t have this but think it would be helpful)
  • The ability to personalize heat and light settings for one’s immediate space, and have those settings follow you around the building (53 percent)
  • Circadian lighting systems that mimic natural daylight (51 percent)
  • Heat and lighting systems that adjust automatically according to weather and occupancy (50 percent)

This suggests that the bulk of employees are most interested in features that make their workspace more comfortable. Decision-makers also find these appealing, alongside smart features that might increase efficiency. The most appealing features to them were:

  • An app for booking desks and meeting rooms (35 percent)
  • Meeting rooms where the screens work seamlessly with your device (34 percent)
  • Desk or room sensors that track usage to monitor efficiency (34 percent)
  • The ability to personalize heat and light settings (34 percent)
  • Heat and lighting that adjusts according to weather and occupancy (34 percent)

Time to move?

So when are businesses likely to move into (or retrofit) a smart office? Asked when they would like to work in a smart office, workers said, on average, ‘within two years – but think it won’t actually happen for another four. Only 35 percent of employees think their employer is prioritizing smart office technology.

One factor that might be holding them back is cost: 58 percent of decision-makers say this is an obstacle to implementing smart elements in an office. Beyond that, generational differences may drive the decision-making process. Older decision-makers feel that the building (45 percent) and culture of the business (36 percent) might not be ready, while among their younger counterparts, 36 percent cite a lack of support for the concept from management.

Other obstacles highlighted were around privacy and security challenges, but here again, there are significant differences between the decision-making generations. Among those aged 50 or over, only 25 percent were concerned about privacy and vulnerability to hacking, compared to figures of 38 percent overall for privacy and 34 percent for hacking.

As often happens with new technology, the survey results suggest that the main impetus for smart offices may well come from a younger generation that is more accustomed to – and indeed expects – the changes to working practices that smart technology can bring.

Featured Image credit: geralt / Pixabay
In Post Image credit: geralt / Pixabay

Architecture and Construction Career Pathways

It takes a family to build a home. It also takes a team of workers to build a building. Architecture and Construction Career Clusters contain occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills. The careers in this cluster incorporate many of the moving parts required to construct and maintain buildings and structures.

Each job requires a different level of education. Career Clusters help students, parents and educators alike focus educations plans towards obtaining the necessary knowledge, competencies, and training for success. Education plans are a general guideline for what is needed to pursue a particular career. Some careers in the Architecture and Construction Career Clusters require more formal schooling than others. If you are interested in architecture and construction, it is worth consulting this cluster for ways to pursue a job in this field.

General Outlook

Careers in this cluster range from designing, planning, managing, and building a structure to maintaining the finished environment. Because highways, tunnels, bridges, and buildings will need upkeep and repair in the coming years and on into the future, there will remain a need for a variety of people skilled in architecture and construction. Although the demand for new housing is expected to decline, the demand for remodeling and repairs on existing residential structures should grow. Skilled laborers will also be needed in construction trades, especially electricians. With the rising interest in “smart” buildings, there will be a demand for workers that can wire buildings to keep pace with this continuing growth in telecommunications and computer equipment.

Skills Required

Most architecture and construction jobs require that a person has solid math skills. Attention to detail is also important. Taking classes in art, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and drafting is a great way to prepare for careers in this cluster. Some careers require more schooling than others. Careers such as architects, engineers, and city planners require at least a bachelor’s degree. Other jobs in this cluster may only require a high school education. Most of the jobs do require a period of formal training or apprenticeship. New employees may work beside experienced skilled workers, and after some time may be expected to pass a licensing examination in order to practice on or their own.

Career Pathways

There are three pathways in this career cluster: design/pre-construction, construction, and maintenance /operations.

  • Design/Pre-Construction – People in this area take ideas and put them on paper, creating blueprints and detailed design plans. These plans are used as the construction project gets underway. Most positions require at least a licensing and sometimes a higher degree. Careers in this area include architects, computer-aided design technicians, surveyors, city planners, cost estimators, and civil engineers.
  • Construction – People in this area turn the plans created by designers into reality. They build, renovate and restore buildings and structures. This includes houses and office buildings as well as bridges, highways, and factories. Many of these jobs required skilled laborers that have gone through training or an apprenticeship. Some positions even require a degree. Careers in construction include plumbers, construction laborers, electricians, construction inspectors, landscape architects, and sheet metal workers.
  • Maintenance/Operations – People in this area keep existing structures maintained and running smoothly. They keep buildings up to codes set out by the government. There is some overlap between this pathway and construction. Jobs in this pathway usually require little schooling. Some positions may require some technical training. Careers in maintenance/operations include electricians, boilermakers, highway maintenance workers, janitors, elevator installers and repairers, heating and cooling technicians, and pipefitters.


Once you know what pathway you are interested in, it is much easier to plan for the future. Most of these jobs benefit from some technical training. Attending a one to two-year technical school can equip you with skills that will set you apart from the competition. If you are interested in a career in the planning and design stages, earning a degree from a four-year institute might be required. Gaining experience at a young age can help advance your skills in areas like carpentry, painting, and plumbing. Doing repairs and home improvement projects can prepare you for your future. Joining the math club while in high school and volunteering to care for the flowers at a local park or community center are great ways to stay involved and gain skills.

The Architecture and Construction Career Cluster includes a wide range of career paths. It includes the planners, builders, and maintainers of highways, bridges, houses, and buildings. Individuals in these fields need various levels of education to be successful.


Career Pathways: The Architecture and Construction career cluster
Architecture & Construction | OSPI
6 Tips for a Successful Career in Construction
Architecture and Construction Career Cluster – IResearchNet
Your Guide to Architecture Career Paths & Requirements
Architecture & Construction | Advance CTE

Roof Inspection Services

The important part of your house is the roof, protecting your home against the elements. A roof with leaks can cost thousands due to water damage within the building. By hiring a proper roof inspection services professional you’ll be able to get a complete description of your roof and what suggestions they have to fix it. Roofing inspecion services can help locate regions of your roof that could potentially cause leaks. Roof inspections are particularly important in the northeastern and north United States due to ice and snow.

Inspections of any type can help save you a lot of money through the years. Inspections will keep your building or equipment in good working condition. With routine inspections you’ll lessen the occurence of emergencies caused by things breaking down. you’ll also lengthen the life of your equipment, saving you money in the end. In addition to the the money you will save by inspecting often and early, you will also be protecting the residents of the building.

If you are searching for a home inspection company , our home and building inspection directory is a great website for you to begin your search. when you do discover an inspection professional , give them a call and get an estimate for what they believe the inspection will cost, and if they have an opening in their schedule to perform the inspection. If they are available, you might want to ask some friends and family to find out if they have done business with them in the past, or if they have another suggestion for you. It’s vital to make sure the inspection is done right the first timeas having an improper inspection performed may lead to a false sense of security.

Roof Inspection Services in WY

The important part of your building is the roof, protecting your home against the wind and rain. A leaky roof can end up costing thousands due to water damage being causedwithin the home. By contracting a high quality roof inspection services group in WY you will be able to get a complete report of your roof and what recommendations they have to fix it. Roofing inspecion services in WY can find pieces of your roof that could cause leaks. Roof inspections are particularly important in the northeastern and north US because of ice and snow.

If you’re searching for a good building inspection company in WY, our home and building inspection directory is a good website for you to begin your search. when you do discover an inspection professional in WY, give them a call and get an approximation as to what they think the inspection will cost, and if they have an availible time in their calander to perform the inspection. If they have an opening, try asking some friends and family to find out if they have had work done by them before, or if they have a different suggestion for you.

Some house inspections can be performed on your own, even with no formal training. While you may still need a true inspection from a professional in WY to get your house approved by the city, an examination performed by you will assist you in keeping your home safe. When performing a house inspection you’ll want to watch for many things. Examples of what you should be looking for include dripping of any kind in the basement, fraying wires and large cracks in your foundation. An inspection performed by yourself in WY can help you reveal flaws in your home, and can save you time and money in the long run by allowing you to repair problems before they become serious issues.

Roof Inspection Services in WA

One of the most important pieces of your house is the roof, protecting your structure against the wind and rain. A roof with leaks can end up costing thousands due to water damage being causedwithin the house. By hiring a high quality roof inspection services company in WA you will be get a complete report of your roof and what recommendations they have to repair it. Roofing inspecion services in WA can locate areas of your roof that could cause leaks. Roof inspections are particularly important in the northeastern and north U.S. due to snow and ice.

If you’re looking for a structure inspection company in WA, our home and building inspection directory is an awesome place for you to start your search. when you do discover an inspection company in WA, contact them to get an estimate as to what they think the inspection will cost you and if they have an availible time in their calander to perform the inspection. If they have an opening, you might want to ask some family and friends to see if they have had work done by them before, or if they have a recommendation for you.

Inspections of any type can save you a lot of money through the years. Inspections will keep your building or equipment in great working order. With regular inspections in WA you will lessen the occurence of emergencies caused by stuff breaking. you will also extend the lifespan of your equipment, saving you money and time in the end. Aside from the money you’ll save by inspecting early and often, you will also be protecting the residents of the structure.

Roof Inspection Services in VA

The important part of your building is the roof, protecting your structure from the rain. A leaky roof can cost thousands due to water damage within the building. By hiring a proper roof inspection services company in VA you will be get a detailed description of your roof and what suggestions they have to repair it. Roofing inspecion services in VA can help find sections of your roof that could potentially cause leaks. Roof inspections are especially important in the north and northeastern U.S. due to ice and snow.

Inspections of any type can save you a bunch of money in the long run. Inspections will keep your equipment or building in great working condition. With routine inspections in VA you’ll reduce the occurence of emergencies caused by stuff breaking. you will also extend the life of your equipment, saving you money and time in the long term. Aside from the resources you will save by inspecting often and early, you will also be ensuring the safety of the occupants of the building from dangers such as a fire.

If you are searching for an inspection company in VA, our home and building inspection directory is a good location for you to start your search. when you do discover an inspection professional in VA, give them a call and get an approximation as to what they think the examination will cost, and if they have an availible time in their schedule to perform the inspection. If they are available, you may want to ask some friends and family to find out if they have done business with them before, or if they have a recommendation for you. It is vital to make sure the inspection is done correctlyas having an incorrect inspection done may lead to a false sense of security, thinking that your house is in good condition when it may not be.

Roof Inspection Services in UT

One of the most important pieces of your house is the roof, protecting your building from the rain and wind. A roof with leaks can end up costing thousands due to water damage within the home. By hiring a proper roof inspection services company in UT you’ll be able to get a complete report of your roof and what suggestions they have to fix it. Roofing inspecion services in UT can locate areas of your roof that could potentially cause leaks. Roof inspections are particularly important in the northeastern and north U.S. because of snow and ice.

If you are looking for a good building inspection professional in UT, our home and building inspection directory is an awesome place for you to start your search. Once you do discover an inspection company in UT, contact them to get an approximation for what they believe the inspection will cost you and if they have an opening in their calander to do the inspection. If they have an opening, try asking some friends and family to find out if they have done business with them before, or if they have a recommendation for you. It is important to ensure the inspection is done correctlyas having an incorrect inspection done may give you a false sense of security, thinking that your house is in good condition when it may not be.

Some building inspections can be done by yourself, even with no formal trainingor construction experience. While you may still need a formal inspection from a professional in UT to get your house approved by your town, an examination done by you can assist you in keeping your house hazard-free. When doing a building inspection you’ll want to watch for many different things. Examples of what you will want to be looking for include dripping of any kind in the basement, improper looking electrical work and large cracks in your foundation.

Roof Inspection Services in TX

One of the most important pieces of your house is the roof, protecting your house against the rain and wind. A leaky roof can end up costing thousands due to water damage within the building. By hiring a good roof inspection services company in TX you’ll be able to get a comprehensive report of your roof and what recommendations they have to repair it. Roofing inspecion services in TX can find pieces of your roof that could potentially cause leaks.

Inspections of any kind can help save you a bunch of cash through the years. Inspections will help keep your building or equipment in good working condition. With routine inspections in TX you will lessen the occurence of emergencies caused by stuff breaking down. you will also extend the life of your equipment, saving you money in the long term. In addition to the the resources you’ll save by inspecting early and often, you will also be protecting the residents of the structure.

If you’re searching for a good structure inspection company in TX, our home and building inspection directory is a great place for you to start your search. when you do find an inspection professional in TX, contact them to get an approximation for what they think the inspection will cost, and if they have an availible time in their schedule to perform the inspection. If they have an opening, you might want to ask some friends and family to find out if they have had work done by them in the past, or if they have a recommendation for you. It’s vital to ensure the inspection is done rightas having an incorrect inspection done can give you a false sense of security, thinking that your house is in good condition when it may not be.