If you’re in the market for a new home, the odds are you’ll be ordering a home inspection before you commit to buy a piece of property.  For new home buyers, or even for buyers who have not purchased in home in several years, it’s good to know the role of the home inspectors, so you know what to pay close attention to.  Some of the basic components that home inspectors look at include the basement, roof, water heater, HVAC system, foundation, and plumbing and electrical components.  It is important to note that most home inspectors are not experts in one particular field (such as  plumbing), but rather are there to ensure that the home is basically sound and to alert you to major problems.  They will let you know if there are certain items that need to be further examined, and then it is up to you or the seller to hire a professional to either fix or check out the potential issue.

When choosing home inspectors, be sure they are licensed and certified.  Also, a good inspector will provide you with a written report when they are finished.  They won’t mind if you follow them around throughout the inspection and take notes.  In fact, it’s highly advised that you do so in order to better educate yourself about the home before making a final purchase.  In general the cost of a home inspection is fairly reasonable ($200-$500) and is well worth the investment.  The money you could save down the road is invaluable when it comes to making sure your homes’ major components will last for many years to come.  Ask relatives or friends for a list of home inspectors that they may have used in the past so you know you’re getting someone honest and reliable.  Word of mouth is often the best way to find a service that you need for your home.

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