Before you can hope to be called an EIFS inspector, it is necessary for you to get certification and the best way to do that is to join one of the many training institutes which have the proper standards required that will create EIFS inspectors who can then go on to inspect government building, industrial building and also work for code agencies as well as inspection services.

Extensive Training

Once you get into an institution to become a certified EIFS inspector, you will need to undergo extensive training in a number areas related to EIFS inspections. You may need to learn multimedia, as well as a number of other EIFS specific related topics that includes things such as identifying EIFS systems, history of EIFS, types of system including PB, PM, DEFS, OCS and quick-R as well as drainage EIFS.

In addition, you will learn about various system components including substrates, insulation boards and more, and you will also need to learn about sealant and joint design as well as chemistry and physical properties. The course to become an inspector is all encompassing and once you have finished the forty hours or so of training, you can be assured of having attained the proper standards to further your career as an inspector.

The training course provides you with the knowledge necessary to properly understand the requirements of EIFS inspections and will also include being taught about unacceptable procedures and materials having been used or misused. Once you have completed this course you will have learnt the proper processes used for the installation of exterior coatings and how to ensure that they are properly used along with proper materials to produce results of the best kind.

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