EIFS or Exterior Insulated Finishing Systems which is sometimes even referred to as synthetic stucco refers to wall systems that make use of insulation with exterior cladding that was first invented around the time of the end of World War II in Europe by German engineers. At present, it is believed that there are almost thirteen percent commercial EIFS buildings and three percent of residential buildings that have EIFS.
Identify Areas Where Moisture Is Present
EIFS inspections are meant to be undertaken to identify areas where there may be moisture near or in the sheathing as well as framing and also to inspect areas that may have been damaged by water or where there is potential for moisture intrusion. To get the most out of such inspections, there have been made certain standardized inspection protocols though each building needs to be independently evaluated.
How far the EIFS inspections need to go is dependent on the nature as well as scope of inspection and may vary according to the findings of the inspections. In addition, it may happen that such inspections can take up many hours to perform and in some cases, may even last for over twenty-four hours.
Before a person asks for these inspections, it is necessary for him or her or even an insurance company to complete a survey that details specific areas that could give rise to possible defects and which need to be addressed as well as need to spell out problems noticed plus whatever other information pertains to the building which the inspector should be aware of.
Standard EIFS inspections require non-intrusive moisture scanners to be used so that it can provide information about where probable defects are present and whether there is need for further inspection or not.
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