If you are a building contractor then you understand that things take time to go up and get wired correctly.  If you are a homeowner then you may only be concerned with the final deadline.  If the final deadline gets passed over more than once then the contractor may face construction delay claims.  To prevent this from happening you need to keep open dialogue with your homeowner.

As a construction contractor you may be better with wood then you are with people.  However, as in order to defer construction delay claims you will either need to learn to be great with people or have to hire a secretary who is.  Having someone like a secretary to communicate with clients is a very beneficial thing.  A secretary can prevent construction delay claims by keeping in daily or weekly contact with a homeowner to keep them abreast of everything.  As a contractor this will require very little effort from you as all you will need to do is show your secretary your daily logs.

If you are excellent with people then you will be able to converse with your client very easily.  Keep them up to date on all of the benchmarks of your construction practice.  Most people will not file construction delay claims if you have kept them a part of the process the entire way.  You may have to do more then necessary but then if you run into a snag the client will understand because they have been aware of the process.

Preventing construction delay claims is much easier then sitting through litigation when they arise.  Some people need to be gently handled and like to know everything.  Understand that a construction project is yours but your client may like to micromanage.  Stopping construction delay claims is just a matter of keeping lines of communication open and hoping for good weather so the project does not have to run overtime in the first place.

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