If you are a new contractor or if you are a new home owner then you should know about Construction Defect Law.  As a contractor you would not want to do anything defective to a property that would result in the loss of your business under the Construction Defect Law.  As a homeowner you want to understand what repairs you will generally want to be able to handle and what type of repairs are out of the ordinary.  Everyone expects a building to go through certain wear and tear when people are living it and the building is surviving against the elements, but there are some things that are out of the norm and should be dealt with.

As a new contractor you want to make sure that the work you are doing is going to be of good quality.  Understanding Construction Defect Law you will be able to understand what to expect not to see from your employees.  You want to make sure that when you finish a project as a builder, an electrician, a plumber or any other contractor that you have done the best job possible.  You would also want to be familiar with Construction defect Law in case a homeowner comes to you with an issue.  As a new contractor you are going to need to know if you are held responsible for something going wrong in a structure or if it is out of your hands.

As a homeowner you should be familiar with Construction Defect Law to protect your home and family.  You want to know that if there is an error found in the wiring of your home that the insurance company is in charge of making sure the home gets rewired instead of you shelling out the money when it is not your responsibility.  You also need to know that if there is a mold problem in your new home from trapped water from a poorly installed EIFS system you are protected under Construction Defect Law, unless the water damage comes from a sprinkler routinely spraying the walls of your home.

Construction Defect Law should be known by all parties involved in home building and home owning.  You always want to understand policy and procedure so that you know what is correct.  It is always easier to fix a problem when you know the proper steps and understanding Construction Defect Law is the first step to understanding.

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