Radon is a very dangerous gas that is created naturally in the ground around the world. Radon comes from the decomposition of uranium, and all rocks and dirt have some amount of uranium in them. Radon is also totally without scent, color or taste, so the only way you will know is by using special equipment to test for the presence of it. There are many self install radon alarms on the market so you can monitor your home for the dangerous radioactive gas constantly. When radon is detected you need to call a specialist that deals with radon remediation and they can come and do their own tests and then discuss some radon remediation options with you. If you do your own test for radon and there I only small traces of radon then there are some radon remedial techniques you can try on your own, and many hardware stores will carry these kinds of things.
When there is a large amount of radon detected then the radon remediation techniques and tools that you can do on your own will be useless, and this is when you need to call a specialist that deals with all kinds of radon remediation and then can make your house a safe place again with fresh clean air. They make a special sump pump device that can help keep the radon from entering your home, and this device usually goes in the basement since this is where much of the radon gas will enter your home. When you have to call a specialist they will also give you some devices to monitor the radon in your home if you do not already have something. Radon can be very serious and can cause serious health problems due to prolonged exposure to the radioactive gas, and it is something that exists worldwide.
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