The problem with Radon lies when a building with poor ventilation traps this natural gas.  The gas then builds up and forms carcinogens that can cause lung problems up to and including lung cancer.  The good news is that you can track the amount of Radon in your home with the use of Radon inspectors.

There are several different types of Radon inspectors that can be used in the home.  There are radon inspector kits that you can use for a few days or for a year to monitor the Radon levels in your home.  Many of the Radon inspectors are of the do it yourself type, but there is always the option of calling in a professional Radon inspector as well if you wish. 

When you are using the Radon inspector kits you want to place the inspector either in the basement or the lowest level of living space.  Ideally you want the results of your Radon inspector to be lower than 4 pc/l.  If you have a Radon inspector with a reading from 4pc/l to 10pc/l you may want to repeat the test just to make sure that environmental factors did not affect Radon levels.

If you have a poor reading from the Radon inspector tests you have run then you should call in a professional to increase the ventilation in your home and reduce the levels of Radon.  You want to make sure that your house is not the cause of lung disease and sickness for your family.
Running a Radon inspector test once a year will help keep everyone in your home healthier.

Radon is found naturally in the world, particularly in hot springs or areas where there are granite deposits in the earth.  Radon is continually evaporating in the air all over the world.

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